
IMDb member since March 2012
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Not The Hobbit
(This if for all the films) This isn't THE HOBBIT. It's a prequel to LORD OF THE RINGS. I loved Jackson's LTR, but this is overblown crap. I enjoyed being back in Middle Earth and there's amazing SFX and cinematography. But it's so over blown. Major disappointment.


Great Show
I'm enjoying (if one can enjoy Hannibal. I'm just starting season 2). But I have two issues. Who takes care of Will's dogs when he's away at crime scenes and Grafton, West Virginia having a beach on the Ocean. The writers must not know their geography. Otherwise, it's one of the most horrific, disturbing, twisted shows I've ever seen.

Nightmare Alley

Confessing, I'm a fan of del Toro's films. Great production design. Cinematography, acting. Other's have talked about plot. I want to talk about how the film was a carny act, sucking us in until the final scene. No spoilers.

Great acting. The first act alone is an acting clinic.

Some complaints at how slow it is, but is a con. It sucks us in. Del Toro conned us out of the park. Can't wait to watch it again.


One of the Greats
I love his Beauty and the Beast, but his is a mind blowing masterpiece.

This Is Us

I started to watch Season 1 with my wife. I could barely make it through three episodes. The actors are good, but the producers must not trust their viewers to have any emotions, because the music hits us over the head how we should feel.

This is a soap opera in the worst possible way.


Brilliant, heart wrenching TV
My wife and I were looking for something to watch. Unbelievable sounded interesting. Interesting is an understatement.

This is not typical TV cops solving a crime in 45 minutes. This is agonizing, putting the disparate pieces together by women who care. Great script, acting, production. I don't want to say any more, because this needs to be seen without preconceived ideas.


Brilliant, heart wrenching TV
My wife and I were looking for something to watch. Unbelievable sounded interesting. Interesting is an understatement.

This is not typical TV cops solving a crime in 45 minutes. This is agonizing, putting the disparate pieces together by women who care. Great script, acting, production. I don't want to say any more, because this needs to be seen without preconceived ideas.


A Slow Burn
It took me awhile to get into the film. But it captured me in it's spell. The cinematography/videography is stunning as well as the acting. Beautiful, heartbreaking. Glorious. Magic that slowly casts it's spell.


Dark, disturbing.
As others have said, this is a slow burn. I have minor issues with Bale's characters transformation, but overall a great experience. Great performances. I wish I had seen it on the "Big Screen."

The Lords of Salem

Hail Satan
Zombie has had a bumpy ride. "Maniacs" was descent. "Rejects" was more than descent. "Halloween," trash. "Lords," creepy, amazing. Great look, weird. An horror treat.

Top Gun

Jingoistic Claptrap
I don't get the love for this jingoistic claptrap. One star for SFX.

The Expanse

Mostly Great
The Syfy Channel had a great show, thankfully Amazon decided to continue it. My only negative comment (Spoiler) is the creature design. I can hardly wait to see what they come up with for seasons 3 and 4.

La chiesa

I don't get the love. Argento is an horrible writer. Characters disappear, reappear. Things happen that make no sense. Pointless, boring, drivel.

Humanoids from the Deep

Exploitative, campy fun.
I didn't know what to expect from this? What a kinky treat. Silly, goofy, gory fun. A good cast (I miss Vic Morrow). There's plenty of nudity and then there are Rob Bottin's creatures.


Forget the Nolan Remake
The original is a great, disturbing thriller. Nolan's remake is tepid in comparison. And as good as Pacino is, Skarsgard rocks it.

Zhui bu

Love Woo
Stylized action from a master. Mindless fun. It's not great art, just great fun.

The Conjuring

Decent Horror
One of the better horror films of late, but rather pedestrian in concept and build. It had potential that was never realized. Exorcist light.

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