
IMDb member since March 2004
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    20 years


Elsker dig for evigt

finding new love the hard way
Another one of those small Euro digital films that explores human emotion so much better than the mega-bucks equivalents from the States.

When a loving couples unity is shattered by a horrific road accident that cripples the boyfriend, the story explores how a moment can destroy a lifetime or create alternate paths. Superbly acted with deep pathos and unflinching torment, I have yet to see a better performance this year of a female lead. You leave the cinema questioning how the happiest moment in your life can be stolen in a blink of an eye. Life is fragile and all too brief. Not a minute should be wasted.


Brave voice that should be applauded
I have awarded this film 10 out of 10. It is not a 10 out of 10 film because there is no such thing. Nothing is flawless and this isnt either. But I sat in the dark for an hour and a half at my local Bradford Film Festival and watched a British film that was brave and unique and determined to shake this sleeping country and its dying film industry from its roots and refuse to succumb to the dross that infiltrates the multiplexes with American sugar or gross out UK-lad-com. I listened to the director stand up and introduce his film passionately speaking out to the audience and warning them this may not be for them and might even make them angry. But he stressed that cinema should incite such reactions and he welcomed them. This film was made for tiny money. It looks remarkable. The performances are remarkable. And its voice is loud and strong and uncomfortable and upsetting and raw and brilliant. Well done sir.

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