
IMDb member since March 2004
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The Last Man on Planet Earth

Crap, pure and simple
This has to be one of the worst movies ever to come out of the Sci-Fi Channel. Here is how the movie starts, Women are the only humans on this planet due to the fact that in the not to distant future chemical warfare is A OK as long as it only targets soldiers (In case your wondering, Men) However the virus back fires (Big shock)and all the men on earth slowly die. Then all of male kind is condemned to die when the madam president is shot and killed by a man. now we are taken around 60 to 70 years from now, two female scientists are working on cloning a female baby and one of them says "Hey, why don't we bring men back?" The other one says no the world is not ready for that, but promptly ignores her and thus a man walks the Eath again.

First off, this movie assumes that all men who are not genetically altered are blood thirsty monsters. Secondly, the writer forgot to mention that present day soldiers are a good mix of Male and Female officers so there is no real reason to have a virus like that. This is the biggest waist of time you can find. This movie managed to insult my intellect not only by the bad story, but with the Lifetime style acting. Avoid this movie at all costs.

I give this a 1 out of 10 but only because I could go no lower.

Kyôshoku sôkô Guyver

Well folks, this is definitely what fans of Guyver deserve, greatness. Right from the opening credits to the preview for the next episode this show will please both fans of the original manga to newcomers alike.


The show follows high school student Sho and his friend Tetsuro as they continue to discover new things about the Guyver unit and try to evade capture and death from the Cronus cooperation. The Guyver unit is activated when Tetsuro and Sho discover the undamaged G-unit that was stolen from Chronos by a test Zananoid ( the monsters of the series ). The unit is activated by Sho when Tetsuro inspects the unit. The G-unit bonded with Sho when Tetsuro panics as the unit starts up and accidental throws it to Sho. :END SPOILERS: The show is very dark and violent as it should be. I can't wait until it comes out here in the states with hopes that Adult swim picks it up. 10 out of 10

The Pest

This is the best Mindless fun I ever had.
I don't understand why people have to try and Analyze these type of films. This is obviously not meant to be taken as a serious comedy. If you want something that is going to make you think, look elsewhere. However If you want a brainless popcorn flick, this is for you. This movie's plot is that of an old WB cartoon and that is probably what upsets some. The plot is silly and the jokes are bad. But this is still a fun film. Don't listen to the critics and see it your self. Here is the plot in a nut shell: Pest owes the Scottish Mafia 50 grand and needs cash badly. Him being a con artist trys to come up with a nice scam. He is then approached by a Neo Nazi man hunter who offers 50 grand if he can survive being hunted. Thats it. Nothing special, but still fun the first time. check it out.

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