
IMDb member since March 2004
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Season 2 is just a mediocre propaganda for UK government
Season 1 was brilliant. Season 2, though, is just a pure propaganda piece for the UK government from the newly tamed BBC about how great and cozy the prison system is even though all those miscreants who don't deserve it. PURE PROPAGANDA. I gave the first season a very high vote. And then I watched the second season. And the whole thing has completely changed. The only common denominator was that they both take place in prisons. Probably, I am guessing here, the original work was only for one season because it can't possibly by the same person who wrote both. Second season is not a character study. It is not even a drama. It is just an adview about a fantasyland prison where everything is brilliant, except the inmates that is. Come on... You even killed the BBC.

Russian Doll

Season 2 is irredeemably stupid
Season one was one of my favourites and soooo original. And the Season two is the least original thing ever... and not even so many smart dialogues. Why even do a second season?...


Oh that American guy...
Yes I mean the most idiotic cop character ever created. His British counterpart is not great either, but compared to him... All the rest of the people are decent enough and story has certainly an intriguing mystery to it. But how can you so badly mess up with casting of the two lead investigators? Anyone else would do, literally anyone. Put a rock and it would look better. Cooler at least.

But that's not the only problem. The actors are not really at fold, and yes even him, because the writing is just used a time filler. No substance to a great majority of lines uttered by the characters. The showrunner deserves to be kicked out of the industry for the unbelievably bad job he did, so as the writers. Just... don't.

Emily in Paris

A self-aware tome of cliches
As they say in Chicago, it grows on you! Cuteness of the men and women in it surely helps.

It could do with more language consistency though, as in, why would two French talk in English when they are alone?


Another low rating from ultra-right IMDB average
This is a well done, nuanced, thrilling series with good acting. The story is ultra realistic, and the portrait of the sides are quite fair unlike almost any other thing you can watch.

Someone wrote here, too many factions. Yeah I feel you buddy, it sucks that there are more than one country other than Europe and US. It is confusing for such a limited mind. Poor you. Maybe you should ask yourself, with such a limited mind, why do you even exist? It is pathetic to be you...


A top shelf Norwegian saga
Not surprisingly on a conservative dominated site like IMDB, this brilliantly executed, intelligently written series has got a very low rating and plenty of negative reviews. Do not be fooled. This is a thought provoking and smart thriller with political undertones. Unless you are a Nazi or neo-Nazi, I don't see how you cannot like this. Yep, I know this is provocative. It is intentional. Why should I always be the one getting annoyed by the comments here?

Wrath of Man

Frankly... Disgustingly dumb
What? Are all the anti-political-correctness crusaders got offended? Tough sh*...

There is no political correctness "bros". Just being wrong. And being dumb. Is there anything at all to like in this sad excuse of a movie? Painfully extended sentences with some semi-rare long-ish words thrown in. You just can't fake being smart. You either are or aren't. Sad thing is to try to pass for one while you just aren't. Movies are like people too. Content matters. Words are not just some sound waves following one after the other. Come on.... You gotta try harder. Or better yet, don't.

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