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Better Call Saul: Breaking Bad
Episode 11, Season 6

Was there an episode somewhere within all the commercials ?
Commercials aside it was pretty much a continuation of last week's episode. The time jumps were confusing. Two episodes left I have no idea where they are heading with this. Hoping it ramps up a lot by the end.


Meh. Way too long
It is hard to feel bad for the people that became involved in Lularoe. Seems like a lot of them featured here made a lot of money for many years. The bottom section of the pyramid were the ones that really got screwed. Deanne and Mark are definite swindlers who justify every misdeed. Ugh. And the guy who said he'd never listen to Kelly Clarkson again ? Idiot. They hired her she was not involved in the company. If anything he was involved in keeping the members happy and deceived. Think about that when you are drinking your vodka and cranberry drink. Interesting documentary but way too long.

Digby: The Biggest Dog in the World

Childhood memories!
Pretty much the only thing I remember about this movie is 'Digby don't swallow !' But I don't remember the plot or anything.

The Burns and Schreiber Comedy Hour

I do remember this show
I'm shocked to see it was only on for four episodes ?? I don't remember much about it but there were so SO many variety shows back in the 70's. If you had one hit song (starland vocal band, for example) they would hand you a variety show.

Star Trek: The Galileo Seven
Episode 16, Season 1

Watching this 50 years later
Still a great episode but really they should have focused on getting the medicine to help with the plague, not a scientific side trip instead. Hard to be mad at the commissioner for that. That said the ending where Spock makes an illogical decision that saves the whole shuttle crew has always stuck in my head. Better to take a one in a thousand shot than no shot at all.

Better Call Saul: Bagman
Episode 8, Season 5

Meandering through the desert
This episode sums up the season: Just meandering aimlessly. Started off great but last few episodes are just boring. This episode started good but with only two episodes left in the season why waste time watching Mike and Saul traipse through the desert for most of the episode? Maybe they wanted a Pine Barrens type episode of Sopranos but this was not really a bonding episode like that was.

Modern Family: Finale: Part 2
Episode 18, Season 11

Too rushed!
This was a once brilliant show and I had stopped watching it regularly a couple years ago but was curious how it would end. Unfortunately I found it too rushed. Cam and Mitchell decide to move away and two seconds later they are about to board a flight. Everyone just immediately picking up and leaving. I think they could have spaced this out over a few earlier episodes. It was disappointing for this once great show.

The Profit: Cocotaps
Episode 2, Season 7

Getting worse
Hmm Marcus said he is not interested in the coconut water business. Then why torment this poor guy? He had a nice little business and Marcus decides to put him in front of various groups and seems to enjoy watching him fail. Seems to be happening more and more on this show.

Castle Rock: The Mother
Episode 6, Season 2

Getting late in the season
Episode 6 was good but with only four episodes left I feel like the season still hasn't kicked into gear. The first season was so riveting and this season has great actors but too slowly paced. The vampire/pod people whatever they are just are not menacing enough.

The Office: Fun Run
Episode 1, Season 4

12 years later...
12 years later this is still hilarious. So funny from start to finish.

You're the Worst: Pancakes
Episode 13, Season 5

Best possible ending for this xouple
Loved this show for 5 seasons. Not always happy with the characters but I always enjoyed the fact that something kept them coming back to each other. This 'day by day' ending was perfect for this couple. I also enjoyed the inserted flash forward sequence toward the end. Will miss this show but it was definitely the right time to end it.

You're the Worst: The Pillars of Creation
Episode 8, Season 5

Not a bad episode.
Mostly a 'character study' type episode. Better than graded on IMDB focusing on some characters who have not had a lot of screen time this last season.

Operation Finale

Had high hopes
Previews for this movie looked really good but all they do is spend most of the movie planning his abduction. Pretty boring stuff. The Wikipedia entry on his life is more interesting (and scary) than this movie is.

Ballers: There's No Place Like Home, Baby
Episode 9, Season 4

Another blah season
The last couple seasons have been okay but seems like it is has been the same plot over and over ( going for the 'big' deal and falling short). Everyone is great in it but stories are lame.

The Twilight Zone: Elegy
Episode 20, Season 1

Interesting Concept
I thought of Westworld when I watched this episode (which I had never seen before). It doesn't really make sense why someone would want to be put on a planet far away after they die in a fantasy scenario like wanting to be mayor etc. As someone else noted who would even see it? I can almost see how a Westworld concept could be derived from this episode with the robot caretaker and the various scenario worlds on this one asteroid. Actors did a great job staying still. That said interesting episode.

Orphan Black: To Right the Wrongs of Many
Episode 10, Season 5

Nice conclusion to a great show
I agree with Guy2026 about the final two seasons being just okay and I wish the 'Island of Dr. Moreau' story line had been further explored (it seemed abruptly dropped) but I'm sure given the small network and unfortunately the small audience they did not have a large budget to pull off a bigger story arc. This episode was a nice goodbye though to all the characters and I hope we will continue to see Tatiana in other shows/movies as well as Jordan Gavaris. Such an insane amount of talent.

The Good Wife: Oppo Research
Episode 4, Season 6

Hopefully I'm wrong but I feel like the Good Wife is starting to decline after an excellent fifth season. While still a very strong show I've been disappointed with abruptly dropped story lines (Where did Eric Bogosian's character or Melissa George's 'Marilyn Garbanza' go?). Diane seems to be pushed further and further into the background which is tragic and I was reading that Kalinda and Alicia had not shared a scene together in 30 episodes. Not sure if that is true but it certainly has been a very long time since those two have been together. The fifth season started out so exciting with Cary and Alicia starting their own firm but after a few episodes of showing them struggling it seems like the only difference between them and Lockhart/Gardner is the dark gloomy basement setting.

As for this episode where Alicia is pondering running for State's Attorney and all kinds of dirt is being brought up: I just don't understand why they want to go off on this tangent. Unless they picture her being State's Attorney battling her old firm in court. I think it's a mistake and just not interesting. I'm all for the show moving forward but yet another election on the show is not a good direction.

Inside Amy Schumer

Love Amy and this show! Binge worthy.
Okay in the past few days I just binged on about 14 episodes of 'Inside Amy Schumer' and I love this show. I find it very funny and I think Amy is very talented and extremely likable. The cast around her is great and the writing is very funny. I like the mix of stand-up, sketches, street interviews and sit-downs with regular people. The stand-up/sketch format is pretty standard but the street interviews add to it and usually are about the topic just covered in a sketch.

I'm a little confused by the hating' going on in some of the comments. In the beginning of the show when it says it's for 'Mature' audiences that is your clue to NOT watch it if you are easily offended. As for me I think it's funny stuff and I like that she is self-deprecating and seems genuinely nice. This show and 'Louie' are my favorite comedies right now.

The Good Wife: Hi
Episode 14, Season 1

Loving the show
Just started binge watching this show and love it. Little disappointed in this episode though since the ultimate resolution of the case at hand seemed a little out of left field and abrupt but that's not a huge knock on it. Oh and the Cary 'high' story line was just odd.

Sometimes I wonder about the handling of evidence in the story lines as in would this be considered evidence tampering? I'm willing to buy that it's not but it's more about the characters anyway. When I used to watch House I rarely believed all the medical discussions going on since there tended to be 10 diagnoses per episode. But that was more about the character interactions than the cases at hand. Sorry for rambling but 10 lines is a silly requirement.

The Shield

My favorite show of past decade
I miss this show so much but that said it ended when it should have without extending it's stay. Excellent story lines I shall never forget and excellent characters all around. It was odd to root for a bad guy like Vic Mackey but his rationalization was easy to buy had to operate like the bad guys to beat the bad guys but...too often they get caught up in various temptations be it women or money. Overall I can't think of any bad episodes though maybe a few draggy plot threads here and there but wow....when some of the episodes are so firmly etched into my brain I know it was one of my favorite shows ever (and I'm 47). I put this show above 24 slightly because 24 had some lame subplots even though excellent overall. I never saw 'the wire' so judging by others reviews I guess I need to check that out.


Very good start, kind of disappointing ending
This is a very entertaining show with an excellent performance by Claire Danes. Damian Lewis is also fantastic Been a big fan of his going back to Band of Brothers and Life To me it's not on the level of 24 but the Claire Danes character is much more interesting than Jack Bauer. Problems I had: show slows down in later episodes and her choices are kind of questionable and finally the finale...just disappointed is all I'll say. Positives: Great performances, even some of the melodramatic elements (wife's fling with his friend, some of the family dynamics) are decently written Overall though really well done. Not sure how I feel about a Season2 though. Not sure where they can go from here.

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