Reviews (4)

  • So from what I've seen the people that have read the books are enjoying this more than those who haven't!! I'm one of those people I e read the book a couple of times and I'm trying not to fan boy too much off the back of it but honestly I think it's a great adaption, crouch has done a great job as he did with the book

    Honestly imo I think those that have jumped on after seeing two episodes need to give it more time the story is wild and very unique! It hasn't gone unnoticed that a lot of the lower reviews haven't even understood what happened (no spoilers) but they clearly don't even understand who the masked man is in the first episode and I'm sorry but if you don't get that it won't make much sense 🤣🤣🤣
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not quite the snarling raging bull I was expecting!!

    Not without its charms but I'm definitely left wandering what happened to the once great furacao lamborghini

    This actually felt like an attack on furacao lamborghini He was portrayed a heartless tyrant mindbent on putting Enzo Ferrari out of business!! Though there was a genuine feud between the two they both famously had respect for one and other

    This movie showboated furacao as a womanising heartless man losing his wife and family to infidelity and egoistical desires When the truth couldnt be more removed he was a loving father but passionate for his creations to be immortalised into a legacy for all his family to enjoy, although the script touched on this, it done nothing to show the drive and passion behind a man that dragged his family's failing vineyard into a multibillion dollar enterprise, so sad to see that he has been remembered for his shortcomings and not for any of his longsighted successes

    With that being said I did enjoy the film, but honestly I feel people need to watch it as fictional nod to furacao, and not consider this movie in any way biographical other than it documents some of his achievements and some of his family (it didn't even include his 3rd wife and daughter) wtf.
  • Finally the series I've been looking for! Fantastic cast and so far intriguing story, with some great scenes and ideas that seem to keep coming

    I was pleasantly surprised!! I was expecting another hit and miss teen sci-fi this is not that... fast paced smart and thus far consistent, it definitely has a west world feel so I'm hoping for some good twists and turns

    It's obviously a little premature for a full review but if the first two episodes are anything to go by this is gonna be a smash

    Please Don't let this lose traction

    the first couple episodes are amazing

    Check it out guys and decide for yourselves.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    (I clicked spoilers but really there isn't!! My spoiler is in the description anyway)

    Ok so I'm not normally one to review movies so bear with me (but this I couldn't let slide)

    At first I assumed just a slow start to the movie!! Setting the scene developing characters etc How wrong was I...... extremely poor character development Zero suspense! I feel saying this Doesn't spoil anything by letting you know the father in the movie dies (it's literally in the movie description) however his kids seem to barely acknowledge the fact and move on and never mention him again!! He didn't need to be part of the movie at all he litterally doesn't speak no bell bent alien vengeance or any type of visual mourning by the kids it's just odd to be fair

    I whole heartedly would have loved to have got behind the film, the weird and wonderful alien, time travel, sci fi genre is my thing

    Admittedly I'm ordinarily not a big fan of Daniel Kaluuya but he seems to have landed himself some interesting rolls in the past! However his character in this movie lacked substance, to be fair to him it was a poorly written part but aside from that, there was little effort on his part!! If he had just injected just an ounce of energy into his character it may have made the plotless encounter a little more bearable

    There was a minuscule moment when I thought ok that slow start has lifted and we can get into the fun stuff now... wrong again!! All in all the movie had a very vague plot and ended in the biggest anticlimax since we'll I can't actually think of a bigger one so let's just leave it there

    Definitely not for me, was a waste of money and time

    Hopefully my dire disappointment still doesn't dissuade you to watch for yourself, and make your own mind up!!

    But be warned it's not what you think it is 😝

    I checked the rating before I watched (as I always do) and would probably rate this more a 3/4 but I'm legit going with 1 because I can't believe it's rated so high already (and we need to bring that number down)

    Sorry not sorry.