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The Four Feathers

Underrated and is better than what the reviews says
This movie has got it all: an aussie hottie, love, honor and obey, different cultures and is well acted. I can't understand why this movie has blown the box office with so much, and why all the reviewers have slaughtered it.

Heath Ledger plays well (as always), and of course Kate Hudson is beautiful in it. If I would have anything to complain about in this picture, it would be that maybe the chemistry between Heath and Kate wasn't that great, but nobody is to blame here.

This is a fabulous movie with great and good looking actors, and if I should have guessed why the movie didn't sell, I would say that it was because they didn't promote this movie enough.

While watching the movie, you can go from crying to laughing at no time, and when a movie conquers that, it's just a blessing watching it.

Heath Ledger can really show what he has got to offer, since this movie is very different from his last "A Knight's Tale". Heath is clever by taking such different roles, just to show what he's got: "Two Hands" (black comedy),"The Patriot" (war, thriller), "Ned Kelly" (western, thriller), "The Order" (horror, mystery) and his most recently, not yet relished: "The Brothers Grimm" (adventure).

The director, Shekhar Kapur, did a good job on this one. He told the actors to make the sand in the desert to look like water and waves, and they did a good job doing just that. All in all, this movie should been a success, because it simply has it all. Too bad.

Mulholland Dr.

Does not deserve a place at 250# top movies!
Though Naomi Watts is a brilliant actor, this movie is overrated. I agree that the reason must be because of the women-gay-sex-scene.

I was looking forward to see this movie, but it started kind of boring, and the further the movie went, the more crap my head got stuffed with.

I myself too, like movies that tell you something, movies that you need to use your brains at, like "The Usual Suspects". But when you see this movie, you in stead lose braincells! Lynch may thought while planning this movie that the less the movie tell you, and the more people have to think while watching, the better the movie will be. Well, it may be fact in some cases, but this movie is just a wannabe-complicated film!

The movie doesn't tell you anything, it's just a movie that tried to be something big, but from my point-of-view, isn't worth seeing at all. The movie has a lack of excitement, good music and a more surreal matter. In one scene,(the main character) she's this innocent, lovely girl, and in the next, she's a lesbian crazy woman who cries while touching herself. Doesn't make sense at all.

The Usual Suspects

The BEST movie ever made!
This movie has excitement all the way, lots of brilliant actors, and is a classic 10 out of 10 movie! No film beats this one, this has Kevin Spacey at his very best, and is a movie where you need to really use your brains while watching to find out the answer. Although almost every movie with that little/big twist at the end turns out to be a pretty good movie, this one is an unforgettable, well made twist! I believe the movie was nominated to 26 awards, and won great 21 ones. (Though it should won ALL).

The greatest trick the movie pulls, is making lots of viewers think of the movie after it's done. The movie actually continue in your head, while thinking of what ACTUALLY happened, since a lot of it isn't what you think. No other movie I can come up with, has this kind of trick.

With all this, the movie also has good memorable quotes, like: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that: *POH* He's gone."

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