
IMDb member since April 2004
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Dandelion in the Pavement

Touching Story
This touching story is based on actual events, and is a haunting portrait of the isolation of a five-year-old girl, Reagan, who is the lone survivor of a car crash that displaces her in a ravine for ten days. At times poetic and heartbreakingly real, this film becomes an exploration of the resiliency and innocence of a child as the barrier between reality and fantasy dissolves.

This film is a definite recommend. I can't wait to see what Karen Stegall chooses to direct next. Despite all the contradictions, one thing is for certain, this 5 or 6-year-old girl had survived something tragic, and perhaps on some level she knew what had happened, but somehow she found the strength and perseverance to live through it.

Efectos secundarios

Bright Future for Mexican Cinema
After seeing Efectos Secundarios, I realize that Issa Lopez is genuinely a well-read, versatile, sharp director and is ready to make her mark as a pioneer of Mexican and hopefully American cinema. Where will all this talent lead her next? It's nice to see a film that pulls from many different philosophies, while having a commercial, yet universal sensibility as well as one native to the environment of Mexico City. Another thing that this film has is an eclectic music score, and an exceptionally modern look for being produced entirely in Mexico. The audience I saw this film with was on the floor in laughter most of the time. A definite recommend.

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