Reviews (16)

  • I enjoyed the film a good bit. The slow burn set up was well done. The casting was fantastic for the majority of the characters. Special effects and cinematography was outstanding.

    Now let's talk about the bad parts.

    Plot threads were abandoned or forgotten about completely. Especially the beginning scenes with the mother and her voodoo blessing.

    It felt like they needed more emphasis on the different religions and beliefs that were brought together for the exorcism. The pieces were there, however they needed to flesh that out more.

    The exorcism wasn't terrible, however they rushed the ending and didn't do enough to show the families and fallout after the "twist" ending.

    I gave it a 7. It's the 4th movie in the franchise and could have been better, could have been worse. The legacy characters making cameos was well done.
  • As long as you go into this knowing it's not your normal Batman and DC show, the better off you will be. This is an Elseworld's story, alternate universe etc. They took a mish mash of secondary Batman characters and adapted them for this team. The secrets run deep between the characters.

    The young cast has some room to grow but I think they are headed in the right direction. The story is off to a great start and the budget is obviously pretty small compared to other super hero shows which will work in its favor for renewals.

    Expect some typical teen angst from this CW show, but so far they haven't gone overboard on it. I really think that this would have had a much better reception if it debuted before Titans. The dark and gritty character and story interpretations from Titans makes this seem like kid friendly version.
  • No spoilers and I won't give anything away here.

    I did not have high hopes for this after the last couple of films in the franchise. However I was sucked into this story within minutes and they never let up the whole way. Great pacing and buildup. Fantastic acting from the central cast. The cenobites designs were great for the most part. Pinhead was as good as Doug Bradley's original. Finally, this film added more to the lore than any of the other films ever did. It was a modern masterpiece of horror that no doubt will lead to countless sequels. Do yourself a favor, turn out the lights, turn off the phones, sit back and enjoy.
  • This was sooooo good. I have been hearing about all these spin offs and prequels for GoT and didn't get my hopes up. The first several seasons of GoT were expertly written and acted, no way could lightning strike twice. I was wrong. It felt like we were transported right back into that world.

    Just a warning, like every other show these days this will be criticized for the heavily hinted at same sex relationship. Ignore it. This isn't woke bs. It's an adult show with adult themes. Watch it for yourself and be least this 1st episode.
  • There is no way anyone will make a sequel so perfectly executed ever again. As good as the original was, this one surpasses and expands on it in every way.
  • The story is pretty simple at the start, basically your run of the mill cursed game/tape/movie film like The Ring. The final act sets it apart and forges a new path for the story. Perfectly set up for sequels.

    If you were going to watch it because of Robert Englunds name being attached you should probably skip it. Its voice work only and not a significant part of the story.

    They do a very nice job of hiding the low budget in the kills with good camera cuts. If they make another I would really like to see what they would do with a decent effects budget. Short movie so doesnt lose it way. I enjoyed it for what it was.
  • If you watch this film you will hate yourself at the end for having wasted so much time. The concept was interesting, the execution, writing, directing, special effects were AWFUL. The ending made no sense and they even tried to show an end scene to attempt to explain part of it but again the execution was terrible and you are left with more questions than answers.
  • Pretty low budget with the effects but the acting was great all around. Script was a little unpolished so the actors did a great job of overcoming it. Definitely worth a watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The idea is that this is a direct continuation of the original TCM and none of the other films matter here. So far so good....wait doesn't that make Leatherface 75? Yes. Yes it does.

    Spoilers ahead.......

    So in the 50 years between these 2 films we are left to assume Leatherface stops killing and stops wearing skin masks. For 50 years. Then gets triggered and goes on a bigger killing spree than any of the films made before this. Plot holes are real. Script was weak and run time was too short. Good acting from most of the cast for what they were given. The writing did not make you care about anyone, even the OG survivor. Nothing was fleshed out with the characters.

    Now that being said, there were some positives for sure. The kill count is high and the effects were very good. A good chunk of the kills happen in a closed off space so that nobody could get away. That helped with the whole 75 year old Leatherface issue at least temporarily. There was a lot of good ideas here that needed more time to develop.

    IMO this is an average film in the series that is worth a watch but its as average as it gets.
  • John Cena has been teasing us with his comedic talent for years with his cameos and small parts. This show is the payoff. His timing and delivery is flawless. Suicide Squad did not do this character justice. Of everything comic book related that has come out, Peacemaker ranks right at the top with Deadpool.
  • 20 September 2021
    How can you make a sequel to one of the best horror films of all time and ruin it in such unbelievable fashion. I thought it was PG-13 from the way it was shot with most of the deaths happening off camera.

    I don't mind racial and political undertones no matter how blatant they may be. What I do mind is making a movie called Candyman about everything BUT Candyman. Zero focus on the horror elements. Nothing scary and zero suspense in this film.

    TNOES and Halloween remakes/reboots were far better than anything this had to offer. Not to say its not an unforgettable movie, because it will be unforgettable how terrible this film was.

    Honestly the 3 stars are from the Cinematography only.
  • I only watched about 30 minutes before I bailed on it. I love the horror genre and there are a couple legends in this one.....that being said this was the first time I couldn't finish a movie for how bad it was. Everything from the acting to the writing, the effects, even the sound was complete garbage.
  • This is The Legion of Monsters on no budget. Some of the writing and acting was terrible but some of the actors were great in their roles. The combination of Bishop and Ogji was very entertaining. The effects were practical and mostly passable. The story was decent and the after credits and during credits scenes leave sequels on the table. I would watch another one for sure.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film ignores all the other one but 1 and 2. Timeline is a bit wonky no doubt. If you can ignore that you will likely enjoy the film a lot more. There is no nudity which is a welcome change. Leatherface isnt Jason Vorhees and isnt killing because they had premarital sex. Nudity would have been nothing but exploitative.

    The film puts a different spin on a well visited franchise. The story itself is solid and the actors are well above average for the genre. Dialog and reasoning are pretty bad at times. When the final act begins the main girl becomes a target of the mayor and most of the police. This leads to her decision to help Leatherface. People complain that she protects Leatherface after he killed her friends, but he also saves her when the Mayor and police want her dead. Plus lets be honest, she is a Sawyer so her gene pool isnt exactly top notch.

    So enjoy it for what it is. An average horror flick that has a few twists but nothing game changing.
  • Veronica Mars meets something new.

    Thats really the only way to describe this. The dialog is quick witted and funny. Its got a case of the week set up which makes it perfect for casual watching and the expected twist at the end of the first episode shows there will indeed be a story going beyond the case of the week.

    The lead actress is really good for this part. I liked her from the start and expect she's going to carry this show. Her supporting cast is a little bland at this point but given time I think they can grow into better characters.

    When you sit on your couch and complain about all television shows being the same and about them making yet another CSI:Alaska THIS is the show you should start watching. Ignore the Romero fan boys complaining about the Zombies. this isn't a show about Zombies! This isn't The Walking Dead. This is a light hearted take on what if a Zombie with the ability to eat brains and see visions of the persons life had to interact with the real world. Would she sit on her couch and be a Zombie or would she go out and help those that can't help themselves?
  • This is by far the worst horror/thriller I've seen in my 29 years. If someone offers this to you for free tell them NO. This movie makes you a dumber person for knowing you watched it. The plot isn't even the worst part of this movie.....its the acting, camera work, lighting, and sound. there is absolutely nothing to like about this movie. whoever paid to have this film made is broke now. I hope the director never gets the greenlight for another movie. In its defense this movie was made quickly to try to capitalize on the actual BTK killer's capture but I've seen movie of the weeks that looked like Oscar winners compared to this.