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The Little Things

Ho hum run of the mill homicide detective movie
Big stars, bad writing, boring film. Uninspired and often meaningless conversation spoken by boring characters.

Martha Marcy May Marlene

Retelling of the Manson family
For all the idiots out there who are giving this movie 1-4 stars and who know nothing about history and only Marvel movies and think this movie ends without finishing the story, read up on the Charles Manson family. This movie is basically a retelling of what happens to a young person who joins that kind of a cult. John Hawkes plays the Charles Manson figure. It's obvious when he actually plays well in the guitar scene. Manson was a decent musician. The ending of the movie is abrupt because if you know anything about Manson murders knows what happens next.

Red Eye

Anything but a Bay Breeze
I love how they always say "Hey!" before surprising the bad guy with an attack instead of just attacking him.

Iron Fist

really bad terrible poorly written but worst of all its boring
Ugh. IMDb and all the other FAKE review sites out there are obviously being paid off by their corporate companies and sponsors. Logan was terrible and overrated, and this show is among the worst boring crap i have seen. Ugh. Netflix is becoming really crappy. The martial arts is terrible, the characters are terrible and boring, the actors are miscast, the first episode takes forever to establish what this show is actually about, and once you find out, you think who cares? Ugh.


The movie started off well, with Prof X jailed and drugged in a DIY hideout maintained by Wolvie and Caliban. Pierce is a great villain, but there's no payoff with his abilities or menace. He's simply the foreman for the evil corporation that is growing test tube mutants and hunting them down. Besides having one robotic hand, him or his Reavers don't really have any glaring cybernetic advantages. It would have been interesting to see different types of cyborg Reavers as in the comics, but in this movie, they are simply claw fodder.

Once the introduction of Wolvie's clone begins, the movie goes downhill. We know nothing as to how or why this clone suddenly appears. Why wouldn't there be clones of all the X-Men at this point? Wasn't it already proved in the most awful of its series, Terminator Genisys, that Arnold vs Younger Arnold is not that captivating? Why would it work in this movie? Why not make Pierce a more capable and challenging villain?

Once the Prof is whacked, as well as the kind family that sheltered them, I really began to lose interest. What's the point of heroes if they can't protect the good and innocent?

The ending made no sense. At the beginning, Lara takes on 20+ Reavers on her own. After being reunited with 10+ other powerful, trained killer mutant kids, they are running away and being captured by the same number of Reavers? It makes NO SENSE.

I'm CONVINCED that the movie critic industry is PAID or compensated in some way by the studios to produce positive reviews to DUPE, bait and switch audiences all for $$$ because this movie is currently 77 on Metacritic when it should be a 37. Good violence, poor writing, sloppy ending is what you really get.

Its truly sad that a Wolverine movie has yet to be made well. Will never watch another movie by Mangold ever again. Learned my lesson. Save your $ and wait til this streams. Trust me, you'll thank me later. This is also part of the reason why IMDb shut down their message boards. Not to silence the haters, but to silence the voices of critical yet honest reviewers that ultimately hurts the $ of the movie industry.

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