
IMDb member since April 2004
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More Fantasy pretending to be Sci-Fi, than actual Sci-Fi, but a fun 90 minute romp.
I'm giving this a 7 because there's a good cast, good production, and I love sci-fi. Unfortunately there is very little real science in this movie. Writer & director Luc Besson stated that "he admitted that he knew that some scientific assumptions were erroneous, e.g. that humans use only 10% of their brain. Nonetheless, he said that such assumption would be a great start for a sci-fi movie. Well, no that's not a good starting point if it's based on well known erroneous beliefs, in which case it classifies more as fantasy than sci-fi. I knew that going into the movie, so I was prepared to suspend disbelief on that, but the nonsense just kept getting piled on. Like when the drugs first start leaking into Lucy and she begins her "transformation", suddenly the laws of gravity are just thrown out the window and she's floating around the room? That's just dumb. I mean you can't even say that she was harnessing the power of her mind at that point, she doesn't even know whats going on. And it just goes on and on. Yet somehow its still worth a watch I think if you just accept that its fantasy based on very little actual science. Special effects and acting are top notch. Love Ms. Johansson, she could just stand in front of the camera and pick her nose for 90 minutes and I'd still watch.


I found this movie mildly engaging, and that may be a gross overstatement. The characters are cliché, with very little depth. There is nothing I could see particularly insightful or original in this movie. It was as bland as a baked potato with no garnishings, not even some salt. Perhaps this is the type of movie that people who don't like to have to think to much, like. The plot is not so bad, it had potential, but seemed to be left to wither in the hands of a weak script and somewhat inept acting. Who is Bogart supposed to be, James Bond with a broken heart? Trying to put this ultra cool James Bond character into the "real" world, just doesn't work for me. I never really find Bogart's character believable, so I never really connect with the character. The catch phrase lines, like "Here's lookin' at you kid." are as profound as Schwatzenager's "I'll be back". If this was an action type adventure story like Raider's of the Lost ark, I could overlook some of these things. But this movie seems to be first and foremost a love story. And in that sense, I think it fails. I could go on with much more criticism of this movie, but I don't want to beet it to death. It is not an awful movie, more of a very light cute little thing. But one of the greatest movies of all time??? Eeeh Gods, how can that be?!!! Perhaps Hollywood is not so off the mark when they dumb down movies for the general public.

Der Himmel über Berlin

I just saw this film for the first time. This film is simply amazing. So subtley powerful. The climaxing scene at the bar, is like seeing the world in a grain of sand. There, just now. Did you see it? There it is again. And again, over there. You didn't see it? Watch and you'll see. This film has just made #1 on my favorite films of all time. The way they use Peter Faulk to trancend the boundry between art and life, or perhaps erase the line all together, wonderfully creative. We are guided gently in to a world full of fallen angels, and then brought full circle back home again. This is simply a must see movie. I find it hard to imagine anyone not getting something out of this movie.

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