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Kûtei Doragonzu

Borderline Propaganda
It took me an episode or two to realise this show is an allegory for whaling, and how the whaling crew and ships are doing the world a favour by ridding it of those dangerous, yet supposedly tasty, whales.

Whilst the animation is very good and the voice acting well done, sadly the story leaves a lot to be desired. The show portrays the draking (whaling) ship as being on the side of good, even going so far to ensure the audience is aware that the whole dragon (whale) is used. Even parts of the dragon (whale) brain is used for traditional medicine. So it has to be good, right? No. It's not.

The show has other issues as well, which are typical of Japanese culture. At no stage do we see any of the men do laundry, the men are somewhat sleazy, and they even visit a brothel, with, what one can only guess is an under age girl, hence why she isn't "available". This doesn't stop one of the non main characters from attempting to, uh, "have her".

There's also the graphic hunting and slaughtering of the dragons, which is shown in all its glory (or should that be gory?). As a general rule, this would not bother me at all, however, if you've seen any actual whaling footage, then you'll notice it's virtually identical.

I appreciate this isn't real, it's a cartoon, and if Japan had banned whaling, then this would be a different review, but they haven't, and it's not.

As for the story, it doesn't really go anywhere. It's like watching an animated documentary by some really boring people about some really boring people.

If you want to watch it, I can't (and won't) stop you, but you should know it's not very good, and for once, most of the other reviews are in the right.

They Cloned Tyrone

They stole my Byline
In order to review a movie, I like to take notes as I'm watching. More than half way through the movie, I'm thinking of the classic 'three people walk into a bar...' line, so I write down "A pimp, a prostitute and a drug dealer walk into a church", and not 2 minutes later Kiefer Sutherland's 'Nixon' utters near identical words. How rude!

They Cloned Tyrone is a story set around the drug dealer 'Tyrone Fontaine' who to goes to collect missing cash from one of his sellers, the local pimp 'Slick Charles' only to be gunned down shortly after in his car. Fontaine wakes up the next morning, alive and well, yet completely confused. Fontaine then enlists the help of Slick Charles and one of his girls 'Yo-Yo' to figure out what is going on.

What happens next is a relatively tight conspiracy theory, sci-fi-esque two hour romp around a predominantly black neighborhood with repeating elements, amusing shenanigans, a metric #$@ tonne of swearing and rampant use of the "N" word. If you're easily offended on other people's behalf, this movie is not for you.

On the good side, I found the acting tight, each of the three main cast put on a stellar performance, leaning into their roles, and providing a convincing world for the audience to get lost in. The story line is good, up to a point. I'll avoid a major spoiler here, but the overall premise of the movie seems stupidly far fetched. I found the movie quite amusing, especially Jamie Foxx's portrayal of Slick Charles. The movie isn't a comedy, but there's enough levity throughout to ease the tension that's built. On that note, there are a number of tense scenes, and the movie does pull you into the narrative quite well. I also didn't note a lot of plot holes, some have been mentioned in other reviews, but a big one...

SPOILERS... Why do the clones respond to anyone issuing commands to them ? It seems like a major design fault / macguffin to ensure the story can continue.


On the negative front, given that movies are all generally recorded digitally, the heavy use of a film grain, night shots and dark skinned actors made watching the movie in a well lit room a challenge. Dropping the film grain would have made the movie feel more modern, which the creators may not be going for, but it would have made it easier to watch.

The sound was truly horrific and honestly it made the movie a literal challenge to watch. I dislike subtitles, if I wanted to read the movie, I'd get the paperback version. Here, due to the terrible audio, the constant use of slang, and deliberately poor enunciation, I had to turn them on. This turned me off quite a bit, as I lose a sense of what is happening on screen due to having to read what the actors are saying just to follow the story. I also wonder, do people really speak like the characters do? I'm not American, I've never been exposed to this "hood" culture, so I'm genuinely curious.

One last point, whilst there are some sections of the movie that were surprising, there were almost as many that were quite obvious as to what was going to happen next. Was it due to the good setup in the previous scene or lazy 'trope' style writing ? I'll let you be the judge of that.

TLDR: A flawed, but overall genuinely amusing and well acted sci-fi-esque drama that is well worth the two hour investment. It's better than most recent Disney movies.

Two Distant Strangers

At least it's a Worthwhile Message.
I saw a short of this on Youtube, and it got me interested in watching this short movie. At around 30 minutes, it's a quick watch that can be completed almost anywhere.

What transpires is a typical 'time loop' scenario where one person is stuck in a repeating event, trying to escape. We learn that Carter is repeatedly killed by Officer Merk, through various means. Carter does his best to avoid certain death, but it continually occurs.

The movie is meant to highlight the issues that black Americans face when interacting with law enforcement and the inequities that are often shown in the media, and more than likely do occur. The advent of social media, cameras in phones and high speed internet means information is disseminated around the world almost immediately.

Some reviewers here complain about the preachy message, or how this has been done before, with more nuance, etc. Wait till you get older and realise that almost everything has been done before, and quite often better. It doesn't mean people should stop trying, and it doesn't meant that certain messages shouldn't be preached. Some issues are important, and people, irrespective of who they are (within reason), should be treated with respect and dignity.

I honestly found this funny at times, especially Carter's reaction each time he woke up. Behind that though, you realise there is quite a bit of pain, knowing that each time he did wake up, it was all because someone had shot/killed him again.

We also learn that Carter had tried quite a few different tactics to stay alive, including engaging Officer Merk in polite conversation, with the same outcome each time. I won't spoil the ending, but it certainly wasn't quite what I was expecting.

Given the absolute drivel that Hollywood and their ilk have been peddling for a while now, this short movie is better than expected and is well worth the watch.

Quest for Camelot

It's like Wish dot com Made a Disney Movie
I try to go into movies with an open mind, however, once you get to a certain age, most movies feel derivative and it's hard to be surprised by anything. This movie surprises, but in the most unfortunate ways.

The story breaks down to: Girl wants to be a Knight of Camelot, dad dies, Excalibur gets stolen, she goes on an adventure, finds Excalibur, falls in love and saves the day (all in three days). It's all just so generic.

Sadly, that's the good part. I actually have a page of notes on questions that the writers should have asked themselves before starting this mess. The story is so weak, with issues such as: How come King Arthur didn't realise one of his Knights was evil, did he not spend any time with the guy? How did the Gryphon get near Camelot without being spotted? How often is Excalibur stolen that there's a specific horn for it? How loud is the horn it can be heard 3 days ride from Camelot? Why does Ruber just burst out into song so Kayley can escape? Why do Ruber's "men" look like Orcs when he's obviously human?

Those are only a few of the silly happenings within the first 30 minutes. Throughout the movie characters teleport around to various places instantly. The axe headed chicken, who can speak English (yeah, somehow it learns English after the magical transformation), goes from being with Ruber to Juliana and back again, with no apparent time having passed. Then when Kayley leaves the forbidden forest she magically bumps into Ruber again, gets captured and thrown into a caravan, which just happens to have Juliana (Kayley's mother) in it, despite her having spent the better part of 3 days on her way to Camelot completely separately.

The list of nonsense is about as long as the movie. Garret is shot with an arrow, it grazes him slightly. However, the way Garret stumbles around, you'd think it was a mortal wound. With no blood. Luckily, a perfectly carved cave is right where they need it to be and Kayley can grab some random plant to pack into the "wound", and both Garret and Kayley can burst out into a duet, magically heal the wound, stop the rain and get on with the adventure, all in under 2 minutes. It reminds me of "Actually, it's going to be super easy. Barely an inconvenience."

Pushing past the diatribe that is the writing, and looking purely at the broader picture, the art varies from "uncanny valley" to "better than expected". The voice acting is generally good, although I can appreciate why Gary Oldman did not use his natural voice on this. Who'd want to be remembered for having participated in this movie? The singing is good, however, there are songs in here for the sake of having songs. It feels like a flash mob shows up to sing a song then disappear seconds later.

Character design wise, both Juliana and Kayley are Disney Princess-esque and are meant to look that way, Ruber is so obvious as the bad guy, and they go to great lengths to make sure you understand that, with his bad finger nails, balding mullet and odd shaped head. Which then begs the question: Why do so many people in this movie have mullets? They'd been out of fashion for many years by this point.

Looking back on the movie, it's not hard to see why it didn't enjoy a lot of success. It swings wildly from slapstick humour to serious within seconds, neither of which succeed. Add to that the generic shambolic story line, poor characters, forced musical numbers and average animation. This all leads to a movie that would have been better left in the imagination of a child's head.

Skull Island

Not for adults or children.
If the opening sequence of the show is any depiction on the rest of it, then things jump off to a rocky start. Here we have a young girl that is handcuffed and is being chased around a large yacht for "reasons", who manages to escape her potential captors by being way more awesome than they are. Events fall into line with macguffins available that just make the whole escape possible, although totally implausible. We learn shortly after that the girl doesn't know what coffee is, or who certain famous people are, but seems to totally know what a cigarette lighter is, and how to work it.

We're off to a great start.

Scene two, and we have a wonderful father, who doesn't want their only child to better themselves by going to college, but to be a mythical monster hunter like him?! Honestly, what sort of parent doesn't want the best for their child? I wonder if this is an allegory for the writers own past. Maybe he wanted to be an architect, but his dad forced him to write crap TV shows instead.

By the end of episode one, it's not hard to see how the rest of the show will pan out. More plot holes than a sieve, bad dialog, and implausable scenarios, all written by a single person who probably thinks themselves a literary genius.

The beginning of episode two doesn't fare any better, with one NPC "ominously" providing the viewer with the name of the island (and series) our protaginasts find themselves on, except, it's not ominous, it's cheesy. Skull Island does not sound scary, it sounds like a place in the Monkey Island game series or something that would pop up on Scooby Doo. The only thing missing was the lighting flash effect and someone going "Mwahahahahaaaa!" to round out the inept story telling on display.

Questions for the writer: How did the dad wash up on top of a cliff face, with his beanie still on his head? Why did he not wash up on shore like other people did? Why did he take his coat off and leave it behind? Where did the girl get the rope vine? What happened to the giant foot print the two boys find themselves in? It vanishes from one scene to the next.

My favourite part is when the girl exclaims "Are all boys as useless as you?" and the boys, being modern boys who can't do anything, sulk back "Pretty much." It's borderline impossible to take a show like this seriously. The writing on this show makes the plot from 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' seem like a masterpiece.

Every passing minute, the plot gets worse, the writing gets worse, and modern ideals take centre stage. The most laugable part is the production company "A Legendary Television Production". The only thing that is legendary about this production, is how poor it is.

I don't want to analyse every episode, I'd write enough to make my own book, but I find myself in episode three where the boys are being chased down a river by a crocodile thing, who flings itself over a waterfall to catch said boys who have gone over the waterfall themselves. We get a wide shot of the boys in the river at the bottom, and mere seconds later the crocodile thing is eaten by Kong. Where the hell did Kong come from? How did it get there so quietly? It's a 30m high Gorilla, it's not like ducking down would make it invisible. This show doesn't require you to just suspend disbelief, but to shoot it into orbit, of a neighboring star system.

Shortly thereafter we learn the girl doesn't know what an 'interview' is, but understands the word 'conversion', uses the phrase "our home", but advises she lives alone, and somehow speaks fluent English with an American accent. This is about where by brain starts to stutter and cries out in pain, and all I can squeak out is: Huh?

Okay, update. It seems the girl lived alone from about age 7, so we have some explanation as to her limited vocabulary.

I don't condone excessive alcohol consumption, but anyone with a modicum of intelligence would need to be extremely inebriated to watch this show without resorting to self harm.

No wonder Warner Bros. Don't have their name on the show, it's more than likely too embarrassed to have it there.

This show should be referred to The Hague to prosecute the production company, cast and crew for crimes against humanity (and Kong for making him a Eunuch).

And of course the show ends on a cliffhanger, so we'll be given a season 2, unless Netflix does the right thing and cancels this abomination.

On a positive note, the animation is reasonable.

Make My Day

Go ahead... Make my Day?
It's hard to write a review that doesn't cover what's been written before.

This anime, like most, suffers from typical anime issues. A young person is thrust into the spotlight to lead a group (or themselves) out of danger. They're initially shy and awkward, and then an episode later they're running around like they own the world, being impossibly awesome. It also has the same basic issue of static images with monologue look like stills, and it's hard to know whether the dubbing has been extended from the original or not, with a single frame paused to provide the additional time to bore us all with exposition. Add to that the 'surprise face' that the main character has and the 'oh, uh, ooh, waah' that we're constantly fed, makes me wonder whether this person is a newborn experiencing everything for the first time.

As many other reviewers have pointed out, the art work is great, and initially drew me into the show, however the show is let down by almost everything else. Including the basic plotline that just doesn't make sense.

Like, why is there a whole civilisation living on a barren frozen planet just to mine some special rock? If it's a penal colony, does there really need to be a whole city? How did the city get built if the air is toxic? Where do they get oxygen/nitrogen from to breathe? If it's a barren rock, why does the main building have a massive defence system? How come the tardigrades start to explode outside but not when shot hundreds of times in the mine? Why make this special mineral into little cubes that need to be fed in to machines like coins into a slot machine?

The plot conveniences are numerous and just go to show that, sadly, people can not write TV shows anymore.

If you're bored and really need something to watch, it's ok, but it's not going to win any awards for excitement nor originalism. Ah Netflix, you've done it again.

The Brokenwood Mysteries

An Ibsolute Gim
Ok, the title is a bit mean, picking on the Kiwi accent.

Here's a show made by our friends and neighbours over the pond, in New Zealand. It centres around a high ranking police detective sent to a small town to solve a crime that may involve the senior detective there.

This high ranking detective, played by the impressive Neill Rea decides he loves the town of Brokenwood so much, he'll take a rank reduction and a pay cut just to stay. Is it a little far fetched? Sure. Does it work, for the most part ? Yes.

Detective Mike is supported by a great ensemble of cast members, who all deliver outstanding performances week after week. Aside from the very first episode where some of the guest cast members are terribly wooden in their delivery. Ignore that, it gets a whole lot better from then on.

What we get, in each 90 minute episode, is a detective mystery, that is generally not too hard to figure out, without it being blatantly obvious, a good dose of humour, character and world building. Episodes and seasons introduce new characters, many of whom pop up on a regular basis throughout the episodes.

What this does, is gives the viewer a sense of an actual town that has people actually living in it. It builds a believable world for the audience to get invested into, with issues that these people face. This would have to be, honestly, one of the most enjoyable shows I've watched in years.

Every season is very well written, and generally very well acted.

My only issues with the show centre around too many songs being played. We often get 5-6 second snippets of songs that seem interjected just to fill in a tiny gap in the audio, but the producers don't want to pay the royalties.

And secondly, far too many of the suspects are openly hostile to the police. If someone accused me of murder, I think I'd be a little worried when the police came knocking.

Lastly, it seems that quite often police procedure is very loosely followed, or more realistically, made up on the fly by the writing team. At times the police work can seem quite believable, and other times you do think to yourself "What? Police don't act like that."

Overall, a very decent show, and definitely one to watch. It doesn't invent anything new in the police procedural category, but it doesn't need to and it's certainly grounded more in reality than most shows made in the USA.

Yakusoku no Neverland

Rose coloured glasses
I had to go see my optometrist after watching this and seeing the reviews. I honestly think that people who watch these shows are walking around with rose coloured glasses on. Either that or their reality is completely different to mine. I can confirm my glasses are of the normal, clear variety, which means, sadly, this show is a decent pile of "eh".

This anime, has all the typical over the top cliches of almost every other anime that's been made in the past few decades. The whole "Sister Krone" subplot was complete filler and offered almost no real benefit to the storyline, with a character that "acted" more over the top than Jim Carrey and William Shatner's love child. Infact, most of the episodes feel like filler material. It's a very slow paced show, and even though each episode goes for 20 or so minutes, some can feel much longer than that.

I do wonder whether the whole plot is meant to be an allusion to people raising cattle for food, with the farmer treating the animals extremely well until they're off to become tomorrow's BBQ.

Unfortunately, as I get older, I realise just how poorly written many of these shows are, or atleast, how poorly they translate to western culture.

My suggestion: Watch episodes 1-3 and 10-12 of season 1, and you can skip the rest without missing anything of importance. At least this way you can watch the show in an afternoon and you might enjoy the compressed storyline.


James Done?
If this is the best that James Gunn can produce, then I think it's high time he stopped.

The story (supposedly) centres around Peacemaker (Cena), and a crew of inclusive black ops agents tasked with taking out "butterflies".

We're not given much information about these butterflies, and it takes 3 episodes before we're given enough to figure it out. Thankfully, it's not just handed to us, and we do have a chance to make an educated guess.

So, what's right with the show? Honestly, not too much. The acting is mediocre at best, the action, like all modern action is absurd, cliche and done heavily in the dark to mask how poorly made it is. The jokes land about as often as one of Peacemakers punches, the opening credits are far too long (yep, we don't need to see a 90 second intro anymore), and the whole show just feels of "cringe".

Given that, what's not to like? Most things... Poor acting, a script written by a child, with only things that children or people on the spectrum would find funny. The idiotic inclusiveness of every single show. Do we really need to represent the overweight, african american lesbian crowd in all new shows? Apparently so. Even though they are a very small minority, statistically.

Then there is the usual, men can't do squat, without a woman's help, routines, the constant need to wreck things, which is honestly something I'll never understand. I guess it's how american automakers keep afloat. The TV industry spends it's time smashing cars all the time. Don't forget to recycle, oh and feel guilty about taking that plane trip, and protect the planet.

If hollywood, TV producers and writers spent less time trying to pleasure themselves and appeal to that vocal 3 percent of the twitter-verse, then I'm sure they could collectively add their brain cells together and come up with something half decent. Except, what we get is derivative garbage that appeals to the ill educated crowd.

This is about as enjoyable as watching Star Trek: Picard.

If this is the best people can do when locked at home, then this planet really needs help. Oh, wow, I'm not even halfway through the series. I'm going to need more alcohol to cope.

Dragon Age: Redemption

Oops, rolled a 3
This is... How can I describe it? Embarrassing. It has one of the slimmest plots for a movie / TV short series, some of the worst fanfic acting, and definitely the worst 'high school' special effects I have ever seen.

This is, as usual of Felicia Day's home grown affairs, a love letter to Felicia Day. Take the entire project out of her hands, and give her a bit part, and she'll be fine. However, let Felicia run things, and it'll look like a couple of kids shooting a movie on a weekend, where she can do anything (except act, stunts, fight scenes and write), and everyone else comes in second best.

There are positives, the costume designs and makeup were quite good. Ah, well, yes. That's it. Everything else is just amateur hour.

I know it's old, but I stumbled across this on Tubi TV, and wanted something to watch. I sacrificed my time, so you don't have too. It's crap, don't watch it.

Catwoman: Hunted

Are you serious?
I'm not sure who this movie is aimed at. Teens? Maybe, however, it's a bit too gory for the younger audience. Young adults? It's been a while since I've been one of those, so possibly. Fans of animation ? DC Fans ? Hell, no.

This movie has all the issues of a modern female driven agenda with none of the fun, excitement, glitz or glamour, and certainly none of the charm that it should bring.

What we do get, is some good animation, with a passable voice acting, and one of the poorest plots to come out of the minds of the DC Universe.

Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is caught stealing a jewel by Batwoman, because... And of course, Batwoman gives Catwoman the option to help them take down a crime syndicate, because... There are really bad car chase sequences, even worse fight scenes, some of Batman's enemies are thrown in for good measure, which of course, both Batwoman and Catwoman manage to dispatch with relative ease. And, then there are the usual trope of evil white men (thanks Harvey) for the women to beat up. And lets not forget the female to female sexual tension and innuendo. Gotta be inclusive to make that 3% feel good.

The story line is contrived and simple. The animation is good, the 'physics' is horrible, with both Batwoman and Catwoman doing things that just aren't possible. And yes, I'm well aware this is animation, but at least don't have people defy gravity.

All in all, it's a movie that doesn't know who it's meant to be aimed at, and wanders and meanders through a muddled simple plot.

4 for the animation, 0 for the plot.

The Legend of Vox Machina

Divisive Humour
This show will likely be one of those that people will either love or hate. There will be very few reviews in between. It has that baseline crude humour which has made Rick and Morty a hit and given it a cult following.

The Legend of Vox Machina ('Vox Machina') provides more of that same crude humour. There aren't any high brow, think about it for a minute before it becomes funny, jokes in here. They smack you in the face like a full diaper, pick it back up and hit you again with it.

The storey of Vox Machina centres around a band of misfit adventurers that have very little going for them, who are drafted to kill a monster destroying the kingdom/realm. Are they up to the task? Probably not! However, they give it their best, and... Yeah, I'm not going to spoil it for you.

You're going to have to watch the show for that. Sorry.

I quite liked the animation of Vox Machina, which isn't as over the top when compared to most Japanese Anime, and isn't crude like a lot of animation done in the past 10-15 years. It's high quality, well coloured and varied.

The voice acting is very good. I don't know many of the actors here, but you can tell they're getting into their characters, trying to make you believe in the story, the world and their animated lives.

On a final note, Amazon have only dropped 3 episodes so far. Hopefully the show retains the current level of humour, animation and voice quality and the story progresses nicely. I'm looking forward to more.

If you're one of those people who is a little high strung, is easily offended and gets annoyed when someone farts in your general direction. Don't watch this. You're not going to enjoy it. If you like Rick and Morty, The Boys or Invincible, then this is likely to be something you'll enjoy as well.

Holby Blue

Bottom feeder stuff
I only lasted a whole 2 episodes. And even those took multiple days to watch.

The police procedure part of the story (given this is a cop show) is light, with a pretty dull story line, and very little police work actually being done. The men, as someone else has mentioned are totally one dimensional neanderthals, who lie, cheat and lie again through every interaction.

I'm all for base line sexual humour, when done in the right way, but the way it's done here, by most of the male staff, just make them look like pigs (ooh, pun), whilst the female police look like tolerant angels.

None of the antics would have been tolerated in a workplace back in 2007, especially from the female staff. Adding to the misery is the poor writing to create drama and tension, which just wouldn't happen in real life.

All in all, it makes for a rather poor cop drama, that's heavy on the forced drama and light on the cop. Thankfully it only lasted 2 seasons.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Hulk and the Masters of the Universe?
I struggled with Season 1. It has good animation, but has one of the worst scripts I've ever had the misfortune to watch. Although it should be no surprise. This isn't "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe", it's "Masters of the Universe". The lack of He-Man in the title is a dead giveaway.

Season 1 is the Teela show. Adam, He-Man, Skeletor and to a lesser extent, Man At Arms are all sidelined and relegated to minor roles, whilst the women do all powerful, all awesome stuff.

Season 2, however, takes the silliness, dials it up to 11 and gives it a shot of steroids for good measure. Mark Hamill's portrayal of Skeletor is nothing short of atrocious. He's the Joker with a different paint job. The dialogue is Joker-esque in its attempted humour and absurdity. He-Man is saved by the all powerful, all awesome women, and turns himself into a white Hulk. No, seriously, he becomes a mindless brute that smashes and bashes his way through the episode, but he has to be white, so we know that white men are bad. The only other men in the show are turned into zombies and beaten by the all powerful, all awesome women. Just remember: White men are bad.

And just to ram home how awesome Americans are, and the American society, Eternia has some cool "tech", electronic binoculars that can zoom. So what does a guard do when faced with white Hulk? Does he radio for help or to alert someone? Nope, he blows a horn, like a savage.

I really do feel sorry for boys growing up. They're not allowed to have heroes, real or fake. They're only allowed to know that women are all powerful, all awesome and men are mindless brutes.

I think it's time I went back to pirating TV shows, so I don't have to pay Netflix to brainwash me.


Forgettable Swiss Cheese
I was running on empty for TV shows to watch, so I thought I'd give Titans a go. Then Netflix tries to play Season 2. Apparently I'd already watched Season 1, but I had no recollection of it.

So I watched Season 1 all over again, recalling some snippets of the episodes as I went through them. Season 1 has some good points. The acting is passable, especially considering there are two non American actors playing Americans (we Aussies can do competent non Australian accents). The story line moves along at a reasonable pace, which for a Netflix show, is a welcome change. The show isn't overly 'woke', with equal screen presence all round, with each 'hero' able to hold their own (more on this later).

My biggest annoyance with Season 1 is "Kory", who's a little less Alicia Keyes and little more midnight blue 1970's prostitute. It looks cheesy and feels forced on the viewer. Tick that diversity box Netflix. The other main issue with season 1, other than Dick Grayson being the youngest Detective on the planet, is that he just walks away from his job. No one notices, no one cares. The plot holes are big enough to drive a large industrial machine though. It they just put the plot holes underground Elon to build a hyperloop with them.

The CGI throughout the series is a little above amateurish, and sometimes it's even passable to good. It usually doesn't take long though, to see that that Netflix didn't spend enough money on the CGI. Trigon looks...almost like a cartoon in some of the final scenes.

Then we get to Season 2, and things just jump right on the slippery slide of "WTF?". New characters come in, die and disappear in 1 to 2 episodes. The whole season feels like one big back story. Bruce Wayne's actor is an old man, who looks as terrifying as a marshmallow. This leads me to the fight scenes. They look forced, scripted and completely unnatural. It's clear that CGI played a bit part in the action sequences, and it looks cheap.

Season 2 also sees most, if not all, of the male characters relegated to wimpy, cry-baby versions of themselves, who can't handle a little bit of rejection, whilst the women power their way through all sorts of male driven adversity. Give it a rest. We all get it. Women can be just as strong and resilient as men can be. The audience doesn't need to be reminded of this in every show all the time. Especially by making the male characters out to be losers.

We can also add in more plot holes in Season 2. This season is the Swiss Cheese of Titans seasons (so far). How did Dick escape from jail? Why didn't Connor save Donna & Dove? How did love break the conditioning and surgery that Garfield had? How did Garfield recover from the surgery so fast? Why did the cops stop looking for Connor? How do they all afford all the expensive stuff? How did Dove get a new car? There are so many bizarre and strange things that just happen without explanation, because, well... stop asking questions, you're ruining the show.

Overall, the show isn't a complete disaster, however, you really need to leave your 'reality check' at the Netflix login screen. This show is about as believable as Santa Clause, despite being set in a real world.

Let's see how bad Season 3 is going to be.


Pleasantly Surprised
Upload is a near future "dramady", part drama, part comedy, with a twist of intrigue and mystery thrown in as well.

It stars a group of varied actors (using the generic term for both sexes), from a range of different colours and creeds, all playing their respective parts. I did quite enjoy the variety of people in the show, there's a gay couple, which initially I was thinking "oh, here we go again...", however it was done really well. The show also crosses the whole transgender topic, but again, it's done well.

Neither of these "new age" topics are just jammed down your throat in a coarse manner. They are done tastefully, which is a very pleasant surprise. In fact, if more shows broached polarising subjects such as these in the same manner, I get the impression they'd be more widely accepted.

You can clearly see the political motivation behind certain aspects of the story, especially the concept of internet data plans, net neutrality, wages, employment expectations and living standards. Some are more obvious that others, but the messages are there. The good thing is that they're part of the back story, woven into each episode is subtle(ish) ways.

Overall, well acted, humorous when it needs to be, thought provoking enough, with some really nice special effects and a good sound track. Easy enough to binge in one afternoon.

One reviewer mentioned "gratuitous" nudity. Eh, you'll see more skin down at the beach. The show isn't for children, there are simulated sex scenes, but you don't really see anything. Surprisingly they never got upset at the significant amount of swearing throughout the show...

I enjoyed it, you might too.

Edit: Season 2 has been out for a week or so now, and I've seen all 7 episodes (what, that's all?!), and again, this has left me wanting more. The show features the same main cast, with a few new ones thrown in to enhance the plot and push the storyline along.

More turmoil is added with a few twists and turns that the show takes from Season 1, which adds to the intrigue. The humour is a little lighter this season, however it's not totally absent, and the show did have me laughing quite a few times.

The episodes do vary a little, with some better than others, however, there aren't any that are outright disappointing.

Sadly, it has ended on a cliff hanger, that I really hope gets resolved in season 3.

Light hearted fun in small 30 minute bite sized chunks. My original rating hasn't changed.

Avenue 5: Are You a Spider, Matt?
Episode 7, Season 1

Oh look it got worse
Take a show with no redeeming qualities and add in more characters that portray the worst in humanity. I'm not sure how, but this show is now worse than before. It's loathsome. I presume it's supposed to be humorously absurd, what it is, is painfully absurd. Everybody involved in this project should be ashamed of how poor it is. Now down to 1 star across the board.

October Faction

Netflix just keep churning them out
Do you ever wonder why Netflix removed the review feature on their website ? I, for one, do not believe the statement that it was underutilised. I believe they knew they'd be churning out show after show after show of poor to mid range, barely watchable shlock.

And this show is yet another example of that. It's yet more teen drama, that's adequately acted, and written to hate on the "white man". Not only do we have one loving mixed colour marriage, we have two, which fits into the plot device so well. Add to that, America now seems (according to Netflix) have an abundance of gay black men too. Almost every new Netflix show has to have a gay black man, a mixed colour marriage, hateful white men who cheat on their wives and the privileged white girl "heather" (the movie). It's no longer "new", this supposed gender mix has become the new "norm" at Netflix. Does it really represent society today ?

On with the show. It's a monster hunter show, with a sprinkling of supernatural elements. Could be good, right ? Sure, it could be great. But we're treated to a tweenage drama, rather than fighting monsters and such.

Warning... SPOILERS... I found many parts of the show amusing with all the plot holes. Why is the dad so old when he barely looked 20 at the raid where they "stole" (rescued?) the children ? And only 17 years had past. Do teenagers really go from loving their parents to hating them within 24 hours and run off with some strange woman ? Why do the twins act like their parents are weirdos when they realise what they do ? If I caught my parents holding automatic weapons looking ready to "kick " I'd be in awe. How come 17 year olds are still in high school ? Why does the company the parents work for hate them so much ? Who cleans up the dead bodies / monsters that keep getting killed throughout the show ? Why did the Sheriff not freak out when she sees a vampire ?

All in all though, the show is adequate in its entertainment. It's not good, it's not completely terrible, and if you know when to use the 10 second skip in Netflix, it can make the show watchable. I used that 10 second skip a lot. Especially when the "twins" are on the screen. Their story line offers basically nothing to the show, other than to ram "new age" garbage down your throat.

I'd be happy if they didn't make a season 2. Not that it'll matter, I won't be watching it.

Verdict: Get drunk first, and use that 10 second skip button.

Avenue 5

I hope they got paid well
Hugh Laurie has done some outstanding acting work, both in comedy and drama, and I'm wondering whether it was all about the money on this one. Anyone who read that script must have just been in it for the money, otherwise they would have walked away.

As one other reviewer mentioned, none of the characters are likeable. Even the Captain (played by Hugh Laurie) openly admits he's a bumbling fool. We have the ship designer / builder who is only interested in money, the divorcing couple who spend their time arguing with each other (because that's funny), the busy body, who manages to get through a supposedly secure door with the help of a security guard (is this 1960? Do people act like this in real life?), and then there's the rest of the crew that no-one cares about and who provide no real plot development nor reason to keep watching.

There is very little plot, no back story, basically no character development, unlikable characters, terrible jokes, and supposedly (or assumed) intelligent people that act like imbeciles. And the best part... We had to check the show didn't just cut off, as the last scene ends mid way through a character talking.

We're going to give it one more episode and then walk away if things don't drastically improve. This show was made to cash in on The Orville's success. They are nothing alike.

Verdict: As funny as a funeral. Don't waste your time.

Lost in Space

It never gets any better
It's hard to know where to start with this show. The original series was so campy and silly, it made the show fun and bearable. The 90's movie had its problems, but overall was quite enjoyable.

This series though. If you treat it like a comedy, then it can be quite enjoyable, in 5 minute bursts. If not, then it's terrible.

Aside from the many flaws that have been pointed out about Season 1, which is just a tragic waste of time, effort and money, Season 2 dishes up more of the same. The acting on most occasions is passable, except for the little kid playing Will, his acting is 'fan fic' level at best, then there is "Dr Smith". A character so devoid of anything useful, they've written her as the ultimate villain. She's so capable in escaping from hand cuffs, being sneaky and sly, can manipulate people, etc, but back on earth, she couldn't pay off a loan ? What, she couldn't use all that "skill" to beg, borrow, steal enough money ? Ugh.

Spoilers: Episode 3, we have the Robinson's find the Resolute and Dr Smith escapes and wanders off to "do her thing", without any sense of peril, yet everyone else has a issue with the evil robot. Dr Smith is able to wander freely, access computers, delete files, etc. All without an issue. How ? She's just lucky enough to find one person alive in the ship who just happens to have the correct access ? Please....

If the Robinson's are the best and brightest that Earth has to offer the rest of our galaxy, then planet Earth really is in trouble ! Who picked these people, Trump?

This show is contrived garbage and the quicker Netflix dumps it, the writers and half the cast, the better off the platform will be. Start the show over again, stop trying to manufacture disasters to create suspense in hope people will be excited by it, and try writing some decent TV. There is no need to have every issue imaginable in every scene possible.

Like all Netflix shows, they're borderline unwatchable and written for those with limited intellect.

There's a reason Netflix removed the ability to write reviews of the shows on the platform. Far too many negative ones, because the level of TV they produce is poor.

3 stars for visual effects.

The Good Cop

Such a waste of money
It's hard to make further comments that haven't been covered here many times before. This show is a train wreck, and not in that sort of "gruesomely entertaining way" that people have a fascination with.

I'm not sure what some of the other reviewers are watching, but it can't be the same show. Either that, or like one of the reviewers here, they're rating it higher to "balance out the naysayers". You mean the people who have a functioning brain and this poorly executed TV shows like this shouldn't exist.

This show is like the Kardashian's, it's a total waste of air time, and painful to watch. We have singer Josh Groban, the titular character playing a "so straight it hurts" character that spends far too much screen time trying to return a quarter in one episode (his waste of time would have cost the police department more), Tony Danza playing botox Tony Danza, who spends his entire time being an ingratiating pain in the neck, who helps to destroy evidence (this guy was a detective?).

Then there is the required "lazy cop" and "hot cop". Both of which are so cliche it's disturbing. In fact, this whole TV show is disturbing. If you're after a cop comedy, you've come to the wrong TV show, the joke miss their mark, the plot (of which there is very little), is so thin it's transparent and the audience is treated dumber than the TV characters.

There is only ever one suspect, and we're given all the details immediately to figure out "whodunnit", yet the characters run around clueless for 40 minutes and then the light bulb moment happens in the last 2 minutes and ... the episode is over (watch the credits, they're more entertaining). This gets repeated every episode, only the plots get thinner, Tony Danza gets more annoying, Josh Groban gets a few more lessons in acting from a tree, and the hot girl does very little but look pretty.

All in all, this show belongs with the Titanic, buried at the bottom of the ocean, never to resurface and see the light of day. Bury it deep and let it be forgotten, or better still, stick it on a Space X ship and shoot it into the sun, forever to be lost.

Go watch the Telly Tubbies, it's more entertaining and destroys less of your brain cells in the process.

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