
IMDb member since April 2004
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Spenser: A Savage Place

Movie was good -- previous reviewer insane
Not the best Spenser film, but then again it wasn't that true to the book it was based on (which, while good, was not the best Spenser tale).

I am really just commenting on the previous poster, who made an asinine comment that the A&E movie adaptations were superior to the Robert Urich / Avery Brooks films (and t.v. show) I love Joe Montegna. Don't get me wrong. But he is as much the Spenser from Parker's novels as he is Tinkerbell. He is too small and too slight of build. Spenser's ancestry is from the British isles, and no one would ever mistake Montegna for being anything other than he is, Italian. Spenser boxed heavyweight, Montegna, in shape, would barely be a middleweight. Plus, the Hawk in the A&E films was substantially younger than Spenser, and they should be the same age.

All in all, read the books. Then watch the original movies for a "truer" adaptation of some of the great mystery novels of the past 50 years.

Beach Movie

Blatant Rip-off
This movie is perhaps the most blatant rip off of another movie that I have ever scene. It was more remake then anything else.

The source material was the 1984 classic T & A flick "Hardbodies". Boardheads (or Beach Movie) has the exact same script, with the only difference being the characters names, and the fact that the new cast is unbelievably annoying. After the first 2 minutes, in which I identifed it as a bad remake, I suffered through the rest simply to determine whether the filmmakers would deviate one iota from the source -- sadly they did not.

I would like to take this opportunity to recommend to anyone that was contemplating viewing this garbage to watch the original instead, it is what this film aspires to be, that is mindless fun with hot babes taking their shirts off for no apparent reason. What they ended up with was pure drivel.

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