
IMDb member since May 2012
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The Horror of Frankenstein

The Horror of (Bad Reviews for) Frankenstein...
I really enjoy "The Horror of Frankenstein." Despite the consensus on this forum (and, sadly, on nearly all movie sites), this is a rewarding and entertaining retelling of the Frankenstein tale.

By 1970, Hammer had pretty much mined Shelley's story, releasing films in this series every few years. The Hammerheads were looking for a new direction and "The Horror of..." was born. They enlisted the author of the screenplay for their original Frankenstein film (The Curse of...) to helm this production. Instead of rehashing old ground, they decided to make the Doctor a cruel determined man (who is no doubt more frightening than the monster) and add a healthy dose of black humour to the proceedings. As far as I can tell, the detractors of the film find the addition of the humour to be the deal-breaker. Added to that, the film revels in an almost campy atmosphere. This may be a surprise to those who vehemently disregard the film but the atmosphere created is deliberate. Sure, it's not like the other Hammer Frankenstein film, it's a new direction.

What's not to like about Dennis Price as the grave robber? Who could complain about the beautiful Kate O'Mara? (Or her ample cleavage, continually on display.)

Perhaps I like the film because it was one of the first horror movies I saw in a cinema (doubled with "Scars of Dracula" no less!). Maybe I just like horror movies. It could be for any of those reasons but I keep coming back to it every few years because just the look of Hammer turns me on. If you watch in the spirit in which it is presented, I think you too will have an old-fashioned good time.


Really good but the greatest?
So this is what some critics think is the best film of all time? Yes it was good but is it that great? That's the problem when a film is over-hyped. It's hard to live up to the reputation. Although it is dazzling to look at, especially the famous effect shot that everyone talks about, it seemed to drag in the middle. That said, I did really like it even if it felt too long. I think if it was made today, they'd shorten the script by about 30 minutes. Maybe I just have a short attention span. Despite my concerns, I still give the film a solid 7 out of 10 but have certainly enjoyed other Alfred Hitchcock films a lot more.


Where do I start?
Don't know if this is a spoiler but thought a warning would be a good idea as the film relies on a certain technique to tell a twisty and confusing story. I thought it used the main script idea from Memento with a slight twist. Although I watched the whole thing mainly cos I was trying and very much failing to understand the story, can't say I particularly like these "interesting" films. Didn't much care for Memento either. Both films were hard work just to keep up. While I'm here, who the hell killed the old conman, what's with that faked hold up and how just many times is the main guy shot for real?!? I have not one clue.

Houseboat Horror

Proceed with caution...
Where do we start with this one?

Houseboat Horror is really a love it or hate it film. No doubt it is an extremely poor effort in filmmaking. That fact alone will alert most viewers to never allow this DVD into their player, or even their house. If you are looking for a finely crafted filmic experience, this is definitely not the film for you. I fully accept that fact.

However....if you are looking for an awesome, low-brow and incredibly stupid night of unadulterated fun, don't go past this movie! Admittedly, this is not what the filmmakers had in mind when they made this feature (and if they did, they are geniuses!). It is seriously so's good! Some of the lines are so stupid they are awesome.

To sum up: 1. The script is infantile. 2. The quality of the filmmaking is amateur hour. 3. The acting is utterly....well, let's not go there.

For these reasons, I loved watching it with a few mates (and plenty of beers!). However, I still can't give it more than a 3.

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