
IMDb member since May 2012
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    12 years


Fatal Deviation

Life Changing
I was once seen walking around with one shoe on, upon being asked if I lost a shoe, I responded "No, I found one." This transexisential thought-process was a result of watching this film.

How James 'Jimmy' Bennett hasn't went onto further his career in Hollywood is more to do with his beliefs that he wishes to remain in Ireland and boost the Irish film economy.

All the classic ingredients of an amazing action film are contained in this mementous masterpiece: amazing CGI effects that were partly done on a Commodore 64, insane stunts, a beautifully narrative and the jaw-droppingly stunning Paudie Greene as the leading lady who, for some factual movie trivia, actually came 12th in the Limmerick Rural Lovely Gurls competition in 1997. It even stars Mickey Graham. The seminal pop-singer and 'Nice One' from Boyzone. Mikey shows why he replaced Colin 'Feckin' Farrell in the line-up and shows he can compete with anyone in front of the camera.

This film was touted for the foreign film award at the Oscars and rightly so.

From now on I will no longer be wearing my Megadeth t-shirt, but will be wearing the Fatal Deviation t-shirt I got for signing up to the fan club.

Thank you, Fatal Deviation....the lessons learned from this film can, if watched by more people, boost this country's economy single-handedly out of recession and allow me to continually drink Dark Destroyers while watching this film.

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