
IMDb member since May 2012
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    12 years


Mr. Peabody & Sherman

Why can't kids be kids?
I really was excited to take my kids to see this movie. As we watched it, there was a ton of innuendo. It was kind of annoying. We just wanted to watch an innocent family movie, but almost every scene was breasts, drinking, and /or some rude joke. I was really disappointed that the parental guides for most of the websites I checked never mentioned most of the inappropriate content in this movie. I don't understand why movie makers have to push such garbage on kids, I believe this is one of the reasons why children have so many issues now days, they're not allowed to be children. It is also disappointing how they can take something innocent and completely ruin it. I believe those who watched Mr. Peabody and Sherman as children wanted to see the movie because they thought it might be nostalgic for them, but instead it was just weird and inappropriate.

Transformers: Rescue Bots

Tried and missed...
I feel that the writers tried to direct the show towards a younger audience, but at the same time they missed. The drawings are cute, but the women are all very curvy. The mayor is a middle aged heavy set man and his wife is a skinny, busty, super model type woman which I feel is a little much for a child's show. They also have a "Miss Griffin Rock" competition in which all the women are in bikinis and of course the mayor is hosting it. I am a little disappointed that they are pushing innuendo into a young children's show, almost all main women characters are drawn curvy. I might sound a bit extreme, but I feel like this show is a bad example for kids, like women are supposed to look a certain way and the men are supposed to look strong and have square jaws and 6 packs. I don't understand why animation people do this, I thought it was supposed to be directed towards children, not adults. My kids were watching it and I had them watch something else, kids are like sponges and we need to be careful about what they absorb. Anyways, I feel Transformers Prime is way better! :-)

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