
IMDb member since May 2004
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Can You Keep a Secret?

The book is great- this is not!
I literally fell asleep while watching this awful movie. It was so, so, so painfully slow and boring. Such a shame because Daddario and Hoechlin are likeable, attractive actors but they're failed here by a terrible script and very awkward, stiff direction. The script is especially sad because it's based on a fantastic book by the fabulous Sophie Kinsella. Unfortunately the movie has none of the clever humor, fast-paced wit and charm of the book. It's a total cringe-fest. AVOID THIS MOVIE LIKE THE PLAGUE.


Mindless fun!
I totally loved this movie. It doesn't take itself seriously, and you the viewer shouldn't either. It's just pure flat-out fun escapism!! The music is great, the scenery is gorgeous, the actresses are excellent and the romance between 2 of the characters is soooo sweet. I'm totally watching this again soon. It made me laugh & smile, and sometimes that's just what you need!

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