Reviews (3)

  • The comic relief provided by "Guy" played by Jeff Hime may be overlooked by some who are trying to pay attention to the sometimes hectic dialog. That would be the only possible complaint here is that so much good stuff squeezed in such a short time could leave the viewer empathizing with the actors and feeling breathless.

    That said the pacing of the film itself feels good and you are rewarded for watching a short film with a big film "story".

    The subject matter is handled honestly and still "funny" enough to involve viewers with different views.

    Watch it.
  • I do not know exactly what to call this movie. But I think whatever it was aiming for it hit the mark. Of course it is not for everyone no movie is. But I am sure it will reach more than just the target audience because it does for it's target audience what a lot or maybe a few movies have done for their respective audiences in the past. (Ferris Bueller, Animal House, Monty Python's....) None of these were exactly what ND is but I hope you get the picture. The other point I want to make is how happy we all should be that this generation has been given a fantastic piece of film and humor without(sex, language, and nudity) Now I know that all of that has a place (Porky's) or maybe that little room in the back of the rental store but high schoolers can be entertained and made to laugh without resorting to such and for that along with the humor itself ND should be praised.
  • well I wanted to like this movie. Not because of the people involved but because that is why I watch movies. To enjoy them. Some make me laugh some make me almost cry.... To refer to the people involved I will say A Knights Tail did what it was supposed to do. I think that happened because they believed in what they were doing and how they were doing it. It was quirky funny in a weird quirky funny way. This movie failed at doing it's own thing in any sort of original way.

    That is the part that bothered me the story had potential it revolved around a unique idea. The film makers almost told the story but they couldn't.