
IMDb member since June 2012
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God's Not Dead

God's Not Dead
God's Not Dead is an excellent movie. It is a must see. Those who are rabidly against it should ask themselves why? Why does it evoke such a reaction in them? Is it possible that there is a God and by seeing the movie they have to contemplate changing their views and or lifestyle? Either way it is tragic that Americans can no longer converse with each other on any subject. For a long time Christians have been told that if they don't like something on TV or in the Movies that they shouldn't go. Doesn't the same apply here? Certainly no one is forcing atheists into the theaters. Do filmmakers have the right to make what they wish or not? And if the answer is yes, at least we all still have the right to choose whether we wish to go and see it or not....

The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel
A superb retelling on the life of Daniel. Considering the budget/restrictions making a low budget film, this movie shines. Excellent acting from Robert Miano, Lance Henrickson and Andrew Bongiorno carry the piece. First time director Zelinski does a good job.The writing is rock solid and very impressive. When you consider this piece, think about the garbage Hollywood spews forth today. Expensive with pretty pictures and ugly stories. This is the complete opposite. I wish Hollywood would go back to making movies rather than political propaganda films. I want to be moved emotionally when I go to see a movie. I want to laugh or cry or remember, not be indoctrinated. this movie reminded me of what a film can be. I highly recommend it.

Finding Normal

Finding Normal
A female Doctor (Candace Cameron) is moving to the Hampton's so she can have a better life and make more money. On the way she gets herself in trouble and has to stay in a small town called Normal for a couple of days. During that time she comes to learn what matters and what life is really all about This is a wonderful little movie. A movie that reminds us of a few things that we've forgotten along the way and that caring for your fellow man is still important. I loved Candace Cameron in this. Lou Beatty Jr (The Doctor) was very good as well. It's a heartwarming piece that left me feeling good. Doesn't hurt that I wrote the piece and co-produced it with my business partner. Even saying that it's the kind of movie that tugs at you. Hopefully others will enjoy it as well. The amount of money and time that was spent on this is so small comparatively to a Hollywood production but it just shows that if a movie has heart it can succeed.

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