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Emergence: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

If you're reading reviews wondering if you should give the first episode a try, do it! Absolutely awesome. I haven't been this excited since the very first Stranger Things. We were glued to the tv for all 60 minutes.

Ex Machina

Mind Blowing
I'm speechless. This is an amazing story about what lay ahead for humanity and how dangerous developing AI can be. Crazy thought provoking stuff. A+ everything.

Ghost Adventures

A Brillaint Farce
The show is 100% scripted, acted and fake. However, it's filmed and produced in a way that makes it seem more "real" than the 100's of paranormal shows out there and that's what makes it brilliant. It's sad so many people completely believe everything they see on this show, but I get it. I want to believe too but let's get really real here, it's TV. If the show was boring and captured nothing each week they wouldn't have jobs and it's host, Zak Bagans couldn't drive around Las Vegas in a $380,000 car. The show is a magic show for tv. Ghostly sounds generated by crew off camera, EVPs added in post production and ghost voices pre-programmed into their equipment to say whatever they wrote and triggered by anyone via remote. It's a magic show filmed in a fictional reality TV setting which adds to the realism factor. This style of science fiction filmed as reality first appeared in the movie The Blair Witch. And since has sparked numerous ghost and monster hunting shows accounting thorium multibillion-dollar business. The reality is absolutely everything about this show is pre-written, scripted and acted. Any "evidence" is staged using special effects and/or added in post production. Anything these guys claim to feel during their investigations can not be proved either. What I do know, besides everything else I've explained is this; If you stick anyone who whole heartedly believes in ghosts in a pitch black supposed haunted location their anxiety and fear level will be elevated. Every noise is creepy and must be paranormal-couldn't have a natural cause. These guys just work themselves up into a ball of anxiety and to be honest, it's comical to watch. It's even more comical to think of all these viewers who buy this stuff hook line and sinker. It's all a magic show for your entertainment and it's their way of making a living.

In addition, every request for an interview with Host/Producer/Creator Zak Bagans which would challenge his show's authenticity have been denied by Bagans himself. He knows if he goes on a show that'll get real and challenge him with questions would ruin his career, show and reputation. Not to mention the show over the last few seasons has turned very demonic. Seems like every episode now features a demon which I think most people would agree is scarier than a ghost. They've gone this way to stay edgy and compete with the ten new ghost hunting shows that come out each month.

As much as I cannot stand this show I have to say they are amoung the best magicians in making everything seem real. But at the end of the day everything you heard and saw was a trick done for your entertainment and their wallets.

The Curse of Oak Island

The Reality of Oak Island
I've been watching this show since the very first episode of season one and it's been a very intriguing ride. I'd say I'm an open-minded skeptic regarding the "treasure" but here's the reality...each "season" is filmed from about April-October and then episode one of that season starts just shortly after filming has been wrapped up for the year. IF they found the treasure during the summer filming I would like to believe that would make the world news and season 6 would just be about how they found it. Having heard nothing through my own "back channels" I don't believe they found the "jackpot". Although that won't keep me from watching what they did do this summer. But now for the main point of the reality...let's say they did find the holy grail or the Arc of the covenant??? Do you really think that would remain a secret until the last episode several months after the find? No way! The truth is if they did find something like the arc the reality is we will never ever know about it. A find like that would be the greatest in human history and would literally rewrite everything we know. Don't think for a minute that there aren't governments and agencies that we don't even know exist that are watching the activities on Oak Island for exactly that. I wholeheartedly believe that if they were to come across the arc of the covenant a super secretive government team would come in take possession of it and nobody would ever be able to speak of it. Think about it.

So the bottom line is I think if they discovered anything big it would've made the news during filming this past summer. Secondly, if they were to dig up the arc of the covenant or the holy grail we would never know due to the sheer magnitude of a find like that. All that said I still love the show and cannot wait to see what they did stumble upon during the summer of 2018

Demon House

199% BS
Unless you are a true paranormal believer and buy everything you hear/see on tv this documentary is going to make you laugh it's so over the top. Of course nothing extraordinary is caught on tape... all of the freakiest things were done via reenactments. Bagans is more pompous than ever yelling at everyone-bossing them around (par for the course if you have seen his history channel show Ghost Adventures). You truly have to believe or want to believe what you're viewing is "real" which I'm sure his fan base will buy hook line & sinker. But to the group of us who watched with an open mind...we had quite the laugh at just how over the top this is. It's not a documentary it's a scripted movie designed to do one thing- OK two things; Scare you for entertainment and put even more money into Bagans bank account.

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