
IMDb member since May 2004
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The Chameleon Killer

Brilliant Slasher Fans Dream!
This film (the second from Indy company Dark Night Films) improves on it's predecesser in so many ways. Violet Flame is awesome as Trish and Ellie Richards! She improved so much after Evil On Queen Street, that I was suprised it was even the same actress. She has now cemented herself as a Slasher Queen. The rest of the cast was great as well. Especially Brian Ramme and Matt Spease. The story for this film was exactly what Scream should have been, the killer duplicates the kills from slasher films because they have taken their love of scary movies one step too far. Scream only wishes it could be as original and scary as this film. I recommend this to all slasher fans and gore hounds.

Evil on Queen Street

Fine start for an Indy Company
Matt Spease's first feature film from his company Dark Night Films is truly great start. Matt definately has an eye for detail in shooting action scenes. He's also a great actor, of all the actors working in his company, he is the best. He plays the rugged hero so good that I'd swear he really is that way in real life. Violet Flame does an ok job in her first official Dark Night Films performance, but she looks as though she holding back a bit. That kind of hurts the overall film, cause she doesn't seem real, just a wrestler reciting lines she's memorized. Overall, I recommend any fans of Indy films to pick up a copy of this film right away, it is well worth the price they them for on their website.

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