
IMDb member since May 2004
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The Beatles: Get Back

Proves Yoko ran John
I love the Beatles, BUT if this documentary reveals anything it's that Yoko seemed to run John. During the clips used in this documentary she is literally attached at the hip with John as she is almost constantly sitting inches away from John while he's sitting playing guitar during rehearsals. And even when George walked out after his temper tantrum and the 3 other Beatles were to meet at George's house, you hear Paul the next morning that Yoko attended the meeting instead of John to speak for him. If this documentary convinces me of anything it's that Yoko was indeed a major factor in The Beatles break up and you can't help, after watching this documentary, coming to the conclusion she had John on a leash.

The Beguiled

Boring and one dimensional
My being familiar with the original 1971 Clint Eastwood version of this movie, I see that Sophia Coppola stripped away all the rich character development and backstory of Ms Farnsworth's incestuous relationship with her brother as well as the flashbacks that revealed the true conniving nature of John McBurney and the sexual fantasy aspect of these characters which was the basis for their motivation in the story. Miss Coppola seemed to sacrifice all this for the sake of making a film that appear to focus on nothing more than a fancy woman's dress party, as if they were all attending a gala ball every day, as well as some obsession of including trees with Spanish moss in almost every scene filmed at almost every angle with the camera being held on them for an usually prolonged period. The result of which made this film nothing more than a boring shallow one dimensional film and was seemingly made by her for the sake of creating nothing more than a moving piece of art to show female regal apparel and Spanish moss trees.

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