
IMDb member since May 2004
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Hard Rock Zombies

a modern classic!
This is a superior cult classic!

I had the pleasure of finding an old copy of this and man is it ever good! This is bar none the best zombie film ever made. Its very campy but in a good way and I was extremely pleased to see how well it has held up over the years. The gore is very over the top, the acting is superb, and the directing is very ahead of its time.

I am desperately trying to find Krishna Shah's companion film American drive in (they were filmed back to back) and would highly recommend this to ANYONE.


American Drive-In

Nostalgia for lost things
American Drive-In brings back memories. Memories of the Drive-In (a slowly dying American Institution) and of silly, sexy Eighties flicks. The story is simple: a diverse bunch of lunatics descend of the Drive-In one night. There is the beautiful blonde, the beautiful brunette, the hunky (but slow) good guy, the sleazy gang leader, the sexually frustrated babe, the heart of gold dominatrix, and a midget. The prerequisite amount of sex is on display, combined with chase sequences, and car explosions. The plot hangs together, but that isn't the reason to check this flick out. Check it out because it is entertaining and it reminds us what films became at the dawn of an era when VHS and Cable pushed out our beloved Drive Ins.

Hard Rock Zombies

a modern classic!
This is a superior cult classic!

I had the pleasure of finding an old copy of this and man is it ever good! This is bar none the best zombie film ever made. Its very campy but in a good way and I was extremely pleased to see how well it has held up over the years. The gore is very over the top, the acting is superb, and the directing is very ahead of its time.

I am desperately trying to find Krishna Shah's companion film American drive in (they were filmed back to back) and would highly recommend this to ANYONE.


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