
IMDb member since June 2012
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Bhavesh Joshi Superhero

Bollywood's Batman Begins... deserves a sequel !!!
First of all it is a very underrated movie. I watched it on Netflix and was so surprised to see the level of direction of this movie. Both the writer and director deserve a lot of credit for this movie. It stands class apart from the stereotypical Bollywood masala films on corruption.

One of the USP of this movie is the realistic/practical journey of the main character and how he becomes a hero.This dark and intense tone of the movie reminded me of Batman Begins.

A rare gem from Bollywood. Don't miss it !!!

The Amazing Spider-Man

Not so amazing spiderman
Even though many reviewers are calling this as improvement over Spiderman 1 but I think otherwise. First of the franchise would have done better to make a sequel instead of rebooting everything - with new actors. Since spiderman 3 did not live upto expectations, people started criticizing both Toby & Kirsten. I think they did a pretty good job (even part 3 was not awfully bad). But rebooting doesn't make sense. That too, only after 10yrs. They should have waited another 25-30 yrs for that.

Also they should have taken some lessons from the way X-men & Batman franchises have gone. Batman (1989) was possibly the only good movie in batman series and there was plenty of scope for improvement. That's what they did, starting with Batman Begins, Dark Knight & D K Rises (pretty sure it's going to be bigger than Amazing Spiderman, possibly overtake even Avengers). Stronger plot, better acting, better direction, dialogues, action sequences, CGI effects etc. They took it to a whole new level. In case of X-men, they started pretty well with X-men 1,2 but had couple of blunders in between. But they corrected it X-men first class. My first X-men movie was X-men FC which was very likable that I watched all the other ones too. But the need for a prequel of X-men was there. Since Charles Xavier and Magneto had worked together as shown in earlier movies. Spiderman 1 already had almost everything (may be a bit rushed though but so is Amazing SM). If there was anything needed, it was a sequel or a completely new plot not a reboot. At the end of the movie, I felt like it was a nice movie BUT WAS THERE ANY NEED FOR IT ?

PS - Some improvements are definitely there but there are some let downs as well, the movie has many scenes rushed into it. BUT I'll prefer Spiderman (2002) over ASM.

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