
IMDb member since June 2012
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This movie is way over-rated. I kept waiting for something to happen. Nothing did. I did not care for the character. I was bored. The actors needed a better script. The director needed to be replaced. I got the feeling that the actors had no idea what is going on. Also, most of the movie was shot in (semi) darkness - which might explain why the actors don't seem to remember any of their lines. For the love of god, someone buy them some lights.

The Secret Life of Pets

Terrible movie, nothing like the trailers
One of the worse movies I have seen. It was nothing like the trailers suggested. Only the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes were represented in the trailers. The rest of the movie was trash. Lots of trash talking from unnecessary characters, depiction of gangs etc was completely unwarranted.

Up in the Air

rather pointless movie without any redeeming qualities
I watched the entire movie. At the end when the credits started rolling, I couldn't understand what the point of the movie was. None of the main characters were likable in any way.. nor had any redeeming qualities. As a viewer I did not really care for any of the protagonists. Vera Farmiga was sexy and likable most of the movie... till an unexpected reveal at the end. Anna Kendrick did not really impress. George Clooney was his usual likable self, but did not bring anything special to the character. If it was not a George Clooney movie, I doubt I would even have heard about it. To conclude, I wish, I had gone to bed instead. While I did not hate this movie, I would not recommend it either. It just seemed like a pointless waste of time . Thumbs down.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

bad script and not terribly exciting
Didn't care for this reboot of Jack Ryan.

Chris Pine was miscast as Jack Ryan. He looked too young to play the role of the analyst that Harrison Ford had played so well. Keira Knightley also seemed mis-cast. The script was terrible. The director was mostly absent probably because he was memorizing his lines for playing the bad guy.

Also, the cold war came to an end in the 80s. And Russians were not believable as the bad guys.

It was not completely terrible, but it could not keep my attention. I found some of the serious scenes unintentionally funny - and not in a good way. All said a snoozer. Don't waste your money.

Yellowstone: Battle for Life

excellent documentary - loved it
We love this documentary. This must be one of the best documentary in its category. The narrator is excellent and the visuals are breath taking. I wish I had an opportunity to watch this when I was growing up.

It comprises of 3 episodes: Winter, Summer and Autumn. All of them are excellent.

Overall, excellent value. I recommend it whole heartedly, especially if you have kids in the family. I ended up buying one as a gift for my nephews. Hopefully, they will enjoy learning from it as I did.


The Internship

The Nerds need to be saved by washed out Jocks
I hated this movie. The storyline was .... annoying and condescending.

Every year the best and the brightest .. nerds... from all over the world compete to get into the coveted internship at google. Only the best nerds make it. Most do not.

Owen Wilson and Vince Vaugh are two washed out jocks who peaked early. They are unemployed salesmen who seem to have no future, coz the world has changed. Now geeks rule the world. They decide to interview for the internship and despite performing terribly in the interview, google inexplicably picks them because ... errr ... they are different (presumably from the nerds who work there. Duh?!).

Till this point, the story had potential to either be great.... or ... bad.

Unfortunately, instead of something meaningful where the adults, through their real life experiences, adds something of value to the lives of the young geeks, the movie inexplicably becomes a story about how a bunch of washed out, unemployed jocks have to teach geeks how to enjoy life and become free by, get this - taking them to a strip club for a drunken night of debauchery ... and checking out some naked ladies. If only things were so easy in life.

Being a geek myself, I find it offensive that jocks think we do not know how to find a strip club on our own. This movie would've been funny in the 90s. Now it is just weird... and ... stupid.

Sure, there were some early chuckles, but pretty soon it turns bizarre and boring. A few times, I found myself checking my wrist - and wishing I had a watch to see the passage of time - from the bygone era where this movie firmly belongs.


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