
IMDb member since July 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years



Read the good reviews...
And laugh at how blatantly fake they are. Probably paid for by the studio and written by people who don't speak English well, or maybe just a sock-puppet bot. That should give you a good idea of exactly how bad this movie is.

The Irregulars

Made it 15 Minutes...
Here's the thing about fiction: people will willingly suspend their disbelief about the existence of magic, monsters, mythical beasts, gods and demons, superheroes etc. That's the point of fantasy, to accept and embrace the fantastical. But people are NOT so willing to accept absurdity within the context of our actual defined reality. If you're going to have a story set within Victorian London, it needs to at least attempt to resemble Victorian London, and NOT just with pretty costumes and set pieces. When every character speaks and behaves in ways that a person of that time would never think to say it's anachronistic doesn't begin to cover it. The dialogue could have been straight out of Riverdale.

I usually give a bad show at least through the first episode, but I couldn't do it this time. My impression (first and last) is that this show is only cosplaying Victorian England, an old-timey set dressing to facilitate yet another teenage drama. Fans of Sherlock Holmes and/or period pieces will probably not like this show.

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