
IMDb member since July 2012
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    11 years


A Most Wanted Man

At long last, a ballistics-free espionage film with an actual storyline
I caught this movie at the Century Napa Valley Theater(they have a wine bar...naturlich!)after work yesterday while waiting for the homeward bound traffic to die down. It's terrific. A story about German spooks in Hamburg (Mohamed Ata's launch pad) setting a trap for a suspected terrorist financier, and not a single shot is fired, no one is killed, no dead bodies, no impossible martial arts acrobatics and no "amazing" shots of bullets frozen in mid air. In other words, an actual story via the maestro John le Carre. The ending is really infuriating, but probably representative of how a lot of these efforts have ended up since 9/11. Philip Seymour Hoffman is over the top as the head spook. I'm sure going to miss him.

Unusually, all the main characters are played by American/Canadian actors. Not a single Brit or Aussie and Germans only in supporting roles. Another reason it's a real one-off.

Check it out!

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