
IMDb member since July 2012
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Midnight in the Switchgrass

Name Dropper, No Story.
It has all of the names & 0 story telling. Every character is superficial and I can't tell whether it's the writing, directing or both, but I just don't think the actors are even given a chance to actually act. There is 0 character development so you don't understand or care about them. It's a sentence with no adjectives. It gives no reason for the behavior of the characters and you feel nothing from them. The story isn't compelling, there is no "action" or "drama". I honestly don't know what the point of several scenes were, I don't feel like there was a point to even having some of the characters it had -like we didn't need Bruce Wilis (bro, why did you even bother with a 2nd scene), MGK (I felt like a 2nd scene with him was literally for contracting the star) or the killers wife, the cops wife. Megan Fox just isn't buyable in her role. If you know nothing about homicide detectives you may be able to escape how it's portrayed. This film is here to fleece you of your money and time. Shame on whoever produced this; I've read more compelling stories from 5th graders. I can't believe the 5-star reviews are anything but marketing bots, idiots that just wanted to stare at the actors, or just those with no taste.


Persistance & Pay-off
I wanted to write this review for those out there like myself who've had a magnetic appeal towards the series but have had a few failure-to-launch experiences. When X-Files ended it left a hole in my achy-breaky-heart (never to be filled) but 6 yrs will make a girl pretty thirsty so ads for Fringe made me salivate for the tales of mysterious adventure. Alas, my schedule was quite packed and I just never seemed to keep up. I've probably tried to watch s1 on 3-4 occasions all to the same end. I recently decided to give it one more go and man I could kick myself for not getting here sooner. Firstly let me say the acting of Lance Reddick (Broyles), Joshua Jackson (Peter), and John Noble (Walter) are simply brilliant; if they didn't make for such perfectly lovable characters their acting is so genuinely believable it could very well be the anchor that allows the complex, universe- hopping plot to be easily followed. That and Leonard Nimoy! -what more is to be said?

Aside from being compelling on the basis of it's subject the stories feel freshly nostalgic of others in its class such as the Twilight Zone, Sliders, Buffy, X-Files, or Roswell. Where the others do not give an honest attempt to explain their universe's oddities Fringe beautifully weaves it's case-of- the-week episodes into its central dogma, not unlike many in its class and regurgitates it back to the audience with perhaps a more sincere hope to aid in navigating the IRL blurry line between science & faith. I feel that if you have a scientist's heart this is perhaps the greatest beauty. If you understand the world around you best through science & are invigorated by that which defies the rules of your abilities that then watch this, you may hear your own thoughts come alive when watching and that in my opinion is the hallmark of a great series. Good luck & I hope you feel the same.

The X Files: Arcadia
Episode 15, Season 6

Pay Your Dues lolz
Angry about poorly run Homeowner Associations (HOAs) whose management of funds are careless & wasteful. Their administration slowly eating away your freedoms as citizens — too much of Big Brother watching over us. Ever get notice, after notice about grass in the cracks of your driveway & wanted to scream, well in Arcadia you'll be dying.

In this Monster-of-the-Week episode you will instantly feel acquainted with The Association-esque tone --if a Bentley Little fan. Mulder & Scully move-in to the little 'burb undercover to investigate several disappearances at the idyllic planned community. To Mulder's amusement the tenants follow every extraneous order strictly, so he begins to defiantly protest as they scatter to correct it for him. Their fear is what one may call a tulpa; the concept of a being or object which is created through sheer discipline alone, come to enact some neighborly love one might expect from a starving cannibalistic tribe. Like most HOAs (or Frankensteinian Monsters for that matter) which fail as a result of the people involved, the tulpa eventually turns on it's creator.

Inside the X Files

A Peek In: My Favorite Aspects from Inside
A must for X-Files aficionados! You'll hear insights into the series including interviews with lead characters, bloopers, and a special preview of the first X-Files film (1998).

You'll discover that the smoking man was originally a silent character; William B. Davis was bummed he didn't get a speaking part only to find the role became central to the mythology.

It's hilarious to hear about Mulder's subtle character traits (such as having an oral fixation, no 'real' bedroom, and as being addicted to porn)as Duchovny in 2008 checked himself into rehab for sex addiction. As with many of Duchovny's character roles Mulder comes across as a thinly veiled Duchovny being well educated, passionate in his beliefs and romantically star-crossed.

The most beautiful moment is the description of Gillian Anderson's Scully elaborated as the most essential part of Mulder's role. Duchovny expounds, "It's like the one friend, I guess, that he has in the world. I mean, I heard a phrase once, somebody was talking about their wife. This was a person who was very inept socially, not the wife but the man. There were many things said about him that weren't kind, and he said, 'My wife, who is lovely and social and everything like that, is my human credential.' And, like, makes him a human being, because people think, well, if *she* can stand him, he must have some humanity within him." Aside from that we have the privilege of witnessing the blooper roles where we learn Anderson erupts when anyone breaks character --and let me say Anderson has perhaps the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard.

There is so much more to this short-docu segment, I would hate to spoil all of the good parts but I must say do watch it if you love the X-Files.

Beneath the Dark

Camus' Choice
Since the majority of the critiques are ignorant of the truth I'm just going to spell this out for you. The film is a re-vamp of Albert Camus' short story The Guest. It's an existentialist piece... if you don't appreciate either the writer or the movement then this isn't for you. I loved both and thought it was well executed. The soundtrack was great to boot. I'll eventually try to add that on here as it's a shame it's not already done.

It's only when the prisoner is set free with the choice to make on his own that he suddenly finds peace with his solitude & meaning in a life where he too has freedom of choice, "In this vast landscape he had loved so much, he was alone". It's here we see three of the pillars of Camus' point –liberty, justice and happiness. Furthermore, Camus makes the prisoner a "Guest" to represent his assertions of brotherhood --the fourth pillar; "Men who share the same rooms, soldiers or prisoners, develop a strange alliance". This best illustrates that each person is alone in exile but sharing the planet with each other & in doing so makes us each alike in that regard. It comes across as a statement of liminality, like we are alone but with each other.

Liminality is an anthropological term used to describe political and cultural change as well as rituals. During liminal periods of all kinds, social hierarchies may be reversed or temporarily dissolved, continuity of tradition may become uncertain, and future outcomes once taken for granted may be thrown into doubt. ...tell me it's a spelling mistake :P

Seventh Moon

Evocative of C.Jung "In the shadow is the gold."
It is true that the shadow is composed of the psyche's unwanted elements. But to quote Carl Jung, "In the shadow is the gold." Jung's comment underscores the truth that not all of the shadow's undesired contents are actually authentically undesirable.

While the movie begins with a blur of honeymoon bliss that devolves into a very slow start I have to praise the nature of the film. Any movie that evokes true emotion is worthy of it's pits. I personally got caught up in the rush of escaping the demons. It plays into that dream-like feel of trying to escape from the unknown and being in uncharted territory. I would say the last third of the movie is where the film blossoms by exposing more of the beauty of love and inner strength; it also increases the movie's storyline pace.

While I couldn't call it A+ horror I would say it's worth the watch. Amy Smart is the films jewel.

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