
IMDb member since June 2004
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    19 years


Touching Evil

One of the best/my favorite shows on TV in 2004!
There is so much about TOUCHING EVIL that keeps me coming back for more. >From the moment the series intro each week begins, I'm hooked like a fish that just swallowed his bait! Suddenly I realize that I'm listening to NINE INCH NAILS! (I've been a big fan forever of NIN for a long time!!!) There's something hypnotic about the intro though that seems oddly familiar.

It's like watching the SIX FEET UNDER beginning. Both are beautifully executed and stunning to watch, week after week. Neither seems to get old!

The cast in the series appears to work well with one another, too! Always a feeling of more than meets the eye, you're left wondering when their story will be told. Of course this is the first (of hopefully many) season so too early to say! Let's hope we get more seasons to flesh out each of the characters!

The high speed filming process used in scene transitions really is quite beautiful! San Francisco never looked so good! Sometimes I wonder if I'm at an art exhibit, mesmerized by the imagery shown!

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