
IMDb member since June 2004
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Had promise, faded fast.
The movie started off strong, LL Cool J (Deed) as an undercover police officer, with partner Sgt. Lazerov (Dylan McDermott from the Practice, possibly miscast as a bad guy?) committing robbery and murder. Deed refuses to kill the drug dealer, which sets up the conflict of a dirty cop with a conscience. The other big names (Freeman, Spacey et al) are well cast and the movie shows promise.

The movie begins to fall short as soon as Justin Timberlake (Pollack) is introduced. Given the opportunity to make a good movie that people will possibly see repeatedly, or one that teenage girls will go and see the once because of Timberlake, I would choose the former. Even talented actors have to work hard at their craft; Timberlake is NOT talented and no amount of hard work can save him. I would have thought he would put on a better show, given the fact that he has been acting talented for years. Everything he did in this film was unconvincing.

Just because a singer sells millions of records and sells out stadiums, it does not automatically translate that they can act successfully in feature films. Even hardcore N'Sync fans will not be able to ignore the obvious lack of acting talent.

That aside there are a few plot holes, such as Pollack's sudden sniper ability and deadly operation of warehouse machinery. This movie had so much promise. Thoroughly disappointing.

Walking Tall

Keep on Walking
As I'm from Europe but saw the movie in the states (at a $ theatre), I actually thought it was the earlier Rock movie The RunDown (aka Welcome to the Jungle). With no expectations of the movie, my first thought was that it was short. It is primarily an action movie with little or no time for any character development, but on the plus side the Rock proves that he has the acting ability to achieve some depth. The courtroom scene deserved more time, as it seemed hurried but was a pivotal moment. This movie tries to go beyond the action genre but falls short. In conclusion it wasn't the worst movie I've seen (Tango & Cash) and shows that as an actor, the Rock has potential.

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