
IMDb member since August 2012
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    11 years


Alex & Eve

It is not exactly comedy...
Generally I believe it is good movie with a happy end. It would be interesting to see a sequel because during the movie we heard some serious questions about the course of a marriage of two people of different religious background. Also in some part of the movie there was some short conversations about gays which of course is an other serious matter and it didn't have anything to do with the main story. The main story is about love. It is almost like Romeo and Juliet but fortunately it seems that the main characters live happily ever after. The happy couple wasn't so interested about faith and religious ceremonies, they are just interested to be and live together. I guess if they have differences during their marriage, they will find a way to balance or even to compromise to stay together for the rest of their their lives. It seems they are open minded and solve their problems and differences with deeply understanding and a little bit of humour. First of all , they are humans like everybody else. it is amazing the amount of pressure they both received from their environments and I thing only people who grew up in religious families could understand how horrible this pressure could be....

August Rush

unbelievable fairy tale
the story: an orphan run away and found his parents. Also this boy is super gifted with the ability to compose and learn music instruments instantly. in other words: an orphan, a product of one night stand between two musicians escapes from an orphanage and travels in USA to find his parents with the help of music with some kind of encrypted message code " i am your son and i play music so you can find me and come and pick me". And magically it happen!!! is it too much? stories about orphans or super gifted children usually are interesting but this movie belongs to the sci-fi category. i am not going to write any more about this movie just to fill the 10 lines minimum review.

The Dying Gaul

i believe it was stupid story when the wife pretend she is the spirit of a dead gay man in a gay chat room. how did she got all the information from? this is not a fantasy movie , it supposed to be a drama. and how did she left all the stolen information on the top of the desk so everybody can see? At the end i didn't like the end. the writer try to kill himself and then changed his mind and poison the wife and accidentally her two kids by poison plant. in the beginning his character was a nice guy who turned to a vicious murderer. a psycho writer? generally it could be a good movie but i think the story is unrealistic.

sorry for my English . i hope you understand what i am trying to say

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