
IMDb member since August 2012
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    11 years


Emily of New Moon

Love this show
I must say that this is one of my favorite shows on TV. Whether or not the show follows the story presented in the books, which I haven't read, this is a far better young adult option than 99% of anything I've seen on Nickelodian or even Disney.

In the show the life of a young writer is portrayed with dead-eye accuracy. Maybe not the way adults perceive these "dark and disturbing" plot lines, but nevertheless accurately. The life of a writer is not the same as the life of a non writer and I would recommend this show to ANY child or even young adult in less than a heartbeat, knowing that it will encourage them to be themselves, despite the undying efforts of Aunt Elizabeth types who squash dreams like bugs. Or fall victim to The Aunt Laura's spaghetti backbone. Their use of archetypal characters and imagery is phenomenal- nothing like it on TV these days. I wish Netflix would get more than the first 2 seasons. I discovered this show late, whenever the US made the switch to all digital broadcast.

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