
IMDb member since August 2012
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    11 years


Grizzly Park

I really liked it!!!!
So, i watched this movie and I found it to be funny and thought that it was really great! I cant understand all the bad views! It had everything a horror needs, blood, guts and fun! It really got me going a few times, and Had some great twists. I really did like it and i have to say it's on my top 10 list at the moment! Please watch, it really is a GREAT movie, so great I made an account on this site to tell you about it! PLEASE WATCH!!!!!!!! REALLY GREAT MOVIE!!!!If you are looking for a horror reminiscent of Scream, watch this movie! Funny, gory, scary! Horrible special effects, but thats what makes it sooooooo good! and REALLY GOOD ACTING!

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