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Family Guy: Turkey Guys
Episode 5, Season 13

i loved this one!
just watched this last episode, it was very funny and i would say very creative the way they started the whole thing, Peter and Brian get drunk, and eat the Turkey that would be served on dinner the night before Thanksgiving, so they go out to try find one after Louis got mad with them, then a lot of things happens that goes from Peter sinking Brian's car into a lake, get robbed, and even trying to kill a Turkey, so i liked this particular episode, the full cast of crazy friends and family in they're house waiting for the guys to come back, while Louis try's to distract the guests, and Chris believes he is the man of the house because Stewie told him that while Peter was away he should be the the man of the house hahahaha so he starts to go nuts.... to many reasons to watch this one, and i liked the way the story goes, cause it felt that even being lost sometimes (like when Peter gives the Turkey he just bought, to a guy with a gun after the guy shoots him three or four times, and them in the next scene Peter is just tired but back to normal) there was a starting point, and a good plot, and then a good and i would say epic end, it will really make you laugh like the old episodes... i love the show, and this episode deserved my poorly English review... peace!

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