IMDb member since June 2004
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La cabina

Yes yes
...and thrice yes :)

I'm on the hunt for movies that I saw as a kid and haven't been able to forget them. One of them was a very bleak Norwegian film called 'Is Slottet', another was 'Time Masters' a wonderful french animation which I finally found on DVD...and the next is this excellent short film, 'La Cabina'. How many times I've tried to Google 'man gets trapped in phone booth' only to be inundated with several results for that awful Colin Farrell movie. Anyway, here's a great description of the movie written by Modus Odem.... 'This is a short film that appeared on Spanish television in the 70s. The premise was simple: A man gets into a phone booth and becomes trapped inside. The duration of the film is concerned with the humor of the situation as onlookers stare at him and occasionally try to help him out. However, after a while it becomes increasingly clear that there is no way to remove him from the booth. Just as a group of firemen attempt to hack their way in to rescue him, a group of telephone company officials arrive and explain that they will take him to headquarters to fix the problem. They then load him onto a truck and drive off. An obvious look of relief washes over the man trapped in the booth until the telephone company truck stops at another telephone booth containing another trapped man. As they are both carted off to the company headquarters, they both appear nervous at this latest revelation. However, the true horror of their situation hits them when they finally arrive at their destination.'

The ending of this movie was an utter shock. As a 9 year old watching this, my dad had to convince me that these things never...well rarely happened.

Method & Red

Oh my God, I can't believe what a load of drivel this pathetic excuse for a comedy is! I watched the first seven minutes of the first episode and couldn't believe what ham Fox decided to put out...we're not talking Honeybaked either....we're talking that 'pressed' mystery meat from mystery country type ham. The show is basically ' blah blah blah.....skank...blah blah.... booty....blah blah.....". Even the canned laughter is forced. Fox, you make me ill....you cancel Family Guy and Futurama for this??!! Get this show off the air, even if you have to replace it with reruns of 'Who Wants to Marry a Midget'.

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