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Vikings: The Best Laid Plans
Episode 10, Season 6

What is this nonsense!?
Couldn't they at least try to make it believable? What a joke of a battle, chronologically it made no sense whatsoever. Going down the river, taking out the barricade (btw why did the archers not shoot the ships with the fire arrows? What was the point of setting the barricade on fire?), climbing a massive wall defying the laws of physics with just some pickets, wearing full armor and weapons, and still have the stamina to rush to the beach and flank them from behind in great numbers? Am I supposed to believe the battle on the beach went on for hours before they arrived? How did Ivar get there as fast as the rest, went through all the enemies and found Bjorn? Who the hell wrote this nonsense?

This episode really pissed me off.

Imawa no Kuni no Arisu: Episode 8
Episode 8, Season 2

Surprising... ending?
Not gonna lie, they got me at first. I was so mad the whole thing would really just be in Arisu's head; but I'm glad it wasn't like that at all in the end, a nice plot twist. Anyway, what happened during the last game was confusing, nonsensical, slow and painful to watch, and the whole thing could've been saved by making them drink the tea Mira offered, implying there was some kind of hallucinogen in it; it really was that simple.

Despite that, I liked the idea the borderland was some kind of purgatory, even though it's something we've already seen before (remember Lost?). Maybe, considering the very last scene, we can assume a third season is on the works, there's still so many questions to answer: What happens to those that decide to "stay"? Is the "purgatory" an infinite cycle? Who will be the next players? If the ones affected by the meteorite were the players, who were the citizens? Has the meteorite itself something to do with the fact? Does Ann still remember everything upon waking up? After all, she didn't either accept or decline the offer. Is the world they wake up on even real? Or is it the Joker's world?

So many questions! Even if there isn't a third season I think the ending is satisfying enough, as it leaves us with the mystery intact, which I love, despite the frustration.

Tokyo Revengers

Disappointing, really.
Honestly, I don't understand people giving this anime such a high rating. This is a clear example of a show that has great ideas behind it but awful execution.

Yet again, as it is typical in so many bad anime, the protagonist is excruciatingly dumb and slow, to a ridiculous extent; he's no doubt the worst character. I gave the show a chance and watched the 24 episodes expecting him to wise up a little bit, but the guy is basically an annoying bag of potatoes ready to be beaten up and cry at every step while making terrible decisions. One would think that knowing how things unfold and having such terrible experiences in life he'd try to get a few steps ahead of everyone else, but instead he always finds himself in the middle of trouble without a plan.

We are watching literal 14-16yo kids beating each other up almost to death, for no reason at all. They call themselves a gang of delinquents, yet they don't do any kind of illegal activities, other than riding motorcycles while being minors, and fighting. The show tries to appear mature, but it comes off as edgy and cringe, instead. Also, the fighting scenes are really bad.

It's a shame, because the idea of a guy who can time-travel and has to involve himself in street gangs to save his girlfriend and friends is very promising, but it's full of inconsistencies and plot holes, things that are never addressed and are of vital importance to understand why things are happening in the first place.

There's definitely worse shows out there, and this one is quite entertaining if you turn off your brain; don't expect anything smart to come out of any of the characters, specially the protagonist.


The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace
Episode 24, Season 11

Finally, it's over.
On one hand I'm glad the show is over, after so many disappointing episodes and horrid writing; not to mention the awful action scenes, unlimited bullets and brainless decisions. But on the other hand I'm gonna miss it dearly. I'm gonna miss the characters, the main reason this show has been worth watching until the end; there's has been a lot of them yet none has been forgetful, each one beautifully portrayed.

I didn't like Rosita's fate though, it felt unnecessary considering she has been the only "main" character that lost their lives during the finale, and what a fantastic character she was! But I'm kind of relieved we got to see Negan finally apologize sincerely to Maggie.

And of course, how to ignore the ending? Rick is alive, sadly we have no clue what he got himself into, but apparently they are making a movie. There's also Megan and Maggie's spin-off and Daryl's spin-off apparently happening in France. One can only hope different writers/directors take on those projects so we don't see the same issues with incoherent stories happening again.

House of the Dragon: The Rogue Prince
Episode 2, Season 1

This is something else.
Well well well... this is getting interesting. I will admit the first episode disappointed me as it felt like just an introduction; nothing really surprising happened there, but this second episode was something else as we can see tensions rising up.

Clearly it's still far from GoT, mostly because the show is heavily centered on the Targaryen and no one else; better not think too much about it and accept the show for what it is, I guess.

Also, that dragon entrance was epic.

I look forward to see how the plot develops.

The review is over but I'm still under 600 characters so just ignore this sentence.

House of the Dragon: The Heirs of the Dragon
Episode 1, Season 1

Very average start.
I'm gonna be dead honest. First of all, I wish people would just STOP reviewing the whole show after watching just the first episode, that goes for those who are giving the show a 9 or10 for no reason and those who are giving it a 1, 2 or 3 simply because it's not as good as the first episode of GoT.

Now, about the episode. The intro is very underwhelming, I found the episode to be quite boring, nothing surprising happens, it's very obvious how the episode is gonna end; that's a way of telling you the script is definitely not gonna be anywhere near GoT. Also it's kind of annoying how insistently they wanted this episode to be all about "patriarchy bad". I'm going to assume this episode's objective was simply to set the scene for the rest of the season, so I'll keep watching and see where this goes.


The Walking Dead: Warlords
Episode 13, Season 11

Not bad.
This is an interesting episode, because despite the intentions to make the Commonwealth look bad by presenting this "Shoot first ask questions later" side of things I can't help but understand their point of view.

Just imagine the situation, you have a community with over 50k people in a post-apocalyptic world where zombies, psychopaths, cannibals, raiders and all kinds of evil murderous groups constantly predate thriving communities; you'd do anything to defend what you have built, specially considering you are the king of the jungle. I really don't understand why Aaron and Gabe would suddenly side with a group of random people they don't know, endangering everyone else in Alexandria, Hilltop and Oceanside in the process. To me, this makes no sense and just serves as an excuse by the writers to make the Commonwealth an enemy.

The Walking Dead: New Haunts
Episode 10, Season 11

What was the point of Part 1?
What was the point of Part 1 with the Reapers? What a pointless waste of time, they could've scrapped all that nonsense and focus on the Commonwealth plot so they don't feel the need to rush it now.

It makes no sense whatsoever they all got to such high places in the Commonwealth in just 30 days. Somehow Connie is now a renown reporter and thinks she has a well founded opinion on how the place works? Daryl and Rosita are top-tier bodyguards for the elite? They just trust them like that after we saw how demanding the selection process to enter the colony is? It makes no sense, it's rushed.

Also, the whole antifa subplot feels like it's gonna be a massive deal of cringe. I'm afraid to keep watching and get disappointed about the end of this show.

The Walking Dead: For Blood
Episode 8, Season 11

Brainless writing
Is it really that hard to use logic when writing a show like this? It's really annoying.

Apparently zombies are immune to storms, they can smell and hear through it and find the people inside the house, and these people don't know how to block doors, there's furniture all around them yet they choose to use their bodies! Also, what's the deal with not preparing houses against zombies? Have they learnt nothing? They placed a couple wooden boards over the windows leaving huge gaps, which they could use to kill the zombies with a spear, but no, apparently it's all so scary they just give up and let them all in. Anyway, what was the deal with Rosita clearing 20 zombies in 20 seconds like a spartan soldier but then just letting another horde approach?

All these inconsistencies and brainless writing really pisses me off.

Ao Ashi

It's... good?
I'm mid-season (episode 12) and I'm still not sure if I like this show. The protagonist is your typical dumb obnoxious kid that has a lot of potential to become a professional football player but ironically doesn't really know how to play with teammates and lacks all kinds of basic skills. He's given the opportunity to play in one of the best school teams in Tokyo after the team's coach sees him play.

In theory it sounds great but in reality it follows the same pattern many other shows have already overdone: protagonist can't do something, people make him feel dumb and useless for it, protagonist has a mystical revelation and does something "amazing" in a crucial moment, outsiders have a 10 minute commentary about it, etc. Rinse and repeat.

Hopefully this is only the beginning and the show gets less repetitive in the second half of the season. It's pretty good tho'.

Love, Death & Robots: All Through the House
Episode 6, Season 2

Hilarious depiction of Santa
It's a shame this episode was so short, but it probably didn't need to be any longer, the idea behind this is makes it so good, Santa being something else completely different. Hilarious stuff.

Love, Death & Robots: Jibaro
Episode 9, Season 3

Exceptional. Really impressive.
This is one of the most original, interesting and impressive animations I've ever seen in my life, I can't even begin to comprehend how they've done this, I couldn't look away for even a second. The whole concept behind it is also super interesting, it feels like watching some kind of myth that's been passing on people through generations. Really cool stuff.

The Expanse: Babylon's Ashes
Episode 6, Season 6

It shouldn't have to end this way.
Not gonna lie, I'm pissed off, that after two seasons of "The Marco Inaro's Show" we're left without a new season, one that'd finally continue where we were left after season 4.

This is my favorite show, it saddens me that I'll never get to know how the story follows; so many questions are left without an answer.

Goodbye Rocinante, goodbye James, it was a pleasure.

The Expanse: Force Projection
Episode 3, Season 6

Oh my god that pursue was intense! A reminder of why this show is still my favorite.

People getting mad because Holden didn't finish the job... come on, it's a TV show... they are not just gonna end the season at episode three.

Anyway you gotta admit this is much better than watching Naomi cry for a whole season.

Blue Period

If you are into art, this is a must watch.
I love it! I found my love for art late in my 20s and there's so much in this show the protagonist has to figure out I also struggled to figure out myself for years when it comes to composition, color and thinking out of the box. I very much identify with Yatora and his progression as he constantly doubts his skills and tries to understand himself better to break his perceived limits and embrace his true self as an artist. I've not painted anything the last three years due to work, watching this anime has opened my eyes again and made me realize how much I miss it.

Anyway. There's one thing I was mildly disappointed with: the ending; I expected him to embrace the last exam with confidence and just floor the competition with some kind of great realization, but it was pretty much the opposite, to a point the show makes it look like passing the exam wasn't that much of a deal after all.

I hope there will be more seasons of this show and we'll be able to see Yatora learn and grow in university.

The Witcher: Kaer Morhen
Episode 2, Season 2

What the hell did they do in this episode? They went completely off the rails killing Eskel, that was never meant to happen; they could have used any other uknown witcher for that (btw, where did all those dudes come from?).

Also, what just happened with Yennefer, Fringilla and the elves? That was so confusing! Maybe they'll elaborate further in the next episodes but as it is nothing made any sense.

I can't still get over how badly casted Fringilla is.

Odd Taxi

Fantastic show.
This is such a great show! Highly recommended if you like thrillers and mystery. The show is about a taxi driver who gets involuntarily entangled into a criminal plot between members of a gang, a pop idol group and common citizens, connecting characters in surprising and unexpected ways. The ending is great and surprising, totally worth watching. It's a very solid show.

Gotta say this is not your typical anime, don't get fooled by the animals, the show is not about that at all, it's just a way to portray the character's personalities and it works really well with the story.

Free Guy

Just don't think too much about it.
I have contradictory feelings about this movie, it's fun and entertaining if you don't think too much about the plausibility of it all, it's a comedy aimed to teenagers. The special effects are pretty cool and the story is quite original.

My issue is it takes a very interesting idea and makes a parody out of it. Anyone that knows how videogames work and how those are made can see it's all complete nonsense. The idea of self-learning AI in a videogame gaining some kind of sentience is very interesting and the moral implications of it could make for a great story, but this movie is not it.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 2020: A Year In Review
Episode 1, Season 15

Don't, just don't.
What is this? What happened to this show? I was so happy to see it come back after such a long time, but they decided to go overly political and throw shade on conservatives on this episode.

I'm not even american and this comes off as forced and unfunny, didn't even smile during the whole episode. Of course only woke liberals will score this a 10 because it reinforces their political point of view despite it not being funny at all.

I hope it's only the first episode and they didn't decide to get all political this season, because that's not what this show has ever been funny for.

Cowboy Bebop: Cowboy Gospel
Episode 1, Season 1

Not bad. Not great. Some big mistakes.
There's many things they decided to do differently in the show compared to the anime that don't make a lot of sense, not even from a budget standing point. Most of it is just placing events in a different setting but what really bothers me are the plot differences, like introducing Faye into the episode when it's still not her turn to appear, which makes me think the rest of the show is not gonna look anything like the anime. We'll see if it's a good thing or a mistake.

Anyway, there's something else I didn't like about this first episode, and it's the fact they portray Katerina as innocent, when in the anime she has a gun and uses it to ultimately end Asimov's drug-fueled rampage, as a way to end their suffering, which I think is an important aspect of this first story. They could've dig deeper into the couple's story considering the episode is already longer than that of the anime, instead they added a completely unrelated intro to the show and some scenes already introducing other plots.

I feel the show lacks the sense of nostalgia and turbulence the anime has, it's almost like they purposely eliminated the more mature aspects of the original to appeal to a wider audience, and that I believe is a huge mistake.

Foundation: The Leap
Episode 10, Season 1

Great ending.
I can't believe those who purposely score this insanely low scores just because the show doesn't correspond to their own understanding or what it should be. Grow up.

I'll admit the show has many flaws, specially when it comes to explaining certain occurrences that make little to no sense and leave more questions than answers, like Seldon building the Vault out of nothing with his own body thanks to a tiny pill (come on, seriously?). But anyway, the show is great, it's exciting, it's sci-fi on its purest form and I can't wait for a second season, which sadly I don't expect for at least 18 months, which is an absolute shame.

The ending is fantastic, I kinda expected it, but not that way, and it makes a lot of sense that Salvor decided to do that.

Foundation: The Missing Piece
Episode 8, Season 1

Best episode so far.
Incredible episode, definitely the best one so far, it was intense and filled with (almost) unexpected events that really makes you wonder how things are gonna develop from now on.

There's one thing that truly annoyed me though, and it's how inconsistent technology is portrayed in this show; one episode you can believe it's technology so far away from us that it looks like magic, but then the next it falls into classic clichés like ships failing after smashing a screen or hacking doors by booping a hard-drive twice with your fingers, complete nonsense straight out of a cheap 80's sci-fi movie.

Anyway, I still don't understand why the book fanboys keep expecting this show to be something different. Just accept it's inspired by the books, but it's not the books, deal with it and move on, the show is very good for what it is and all you keep doing is review-bomb the show with low scores. Seriously, move on.

Foundation: Barbarians at the Gate
Episode 4, Season 1

It was going so well...
The show was going well, I really liked the first three episodes*, but this one pissed me off for the same reason it did to many other people reviewing. Salvor Hardin just turned everything into a joke, apparently she's so cool not only the Vault doesn't affect her, but she can also read people's minds, she's the best fighter, head-strong and can deal with everything concerning the Foundation!

I love space operas, it's my favorite thing ever; but adding a Mary Sue into the equation? Huge mistake.

*At least from the point of view of someone who has not read the books, I'd probably think different if I had, apparently some characters have been gender-swapped and that's something I'd never support.

Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet

Wonderful. Finally a show about the rich world of game dev.
As a massive nerd and aspiring indie game developer this show is everything I'd have hoped for. Sure, it portraits an idealistic view on game development but it's meant to be a comedy, so it works perfectly. All characters are likeable and funny and the show doesn't involve itself in vacuous political or sociological messages and instead focuses purely on the comedy aspect of things; I wouldn't expect less from Charlie Day, Megan Ganz and Rob McElhenney.

I pray for this show to last many many seasons and keep this level of consistency. I'm a huge fan of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and got really sad when it ended, but getting this in return is like a dream.

Big kudos to Charlotte Nicdao and Jessie Ennis for their wonderful acting, they are my favorite; but needles to say every actor in this is extraordinary and deserves recognition.

Please never let this show fail.

Gekijô-ban Kimetsu no Yaiba Mugen Ressha-hen

Amazing! Obviously, watch the show first!
Truly a masterpiece of animation, every scene is polished to the extreme, the combination of 3D and 2D is so exquisite you can't even tell where the one begins and the other ends.

The ending is great, but painful as expected, it's amazing how they managed to make you feel so much for a character that has just been introduced.

If I had to complain about something it'd be how little involvement Zenitsu had on the whole thing; to be fair it's usual for him to do his special move a couple times and fall on a second plane, but I feel like this time they could've approached it a bit different, specially considering how crucial Inosuke was for the plot.

Can't wait for the 2nd season to start, it's going to be incredible!

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