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The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon
Well, I saw this movie for the first time when I was like 12-13 years old. I don't know why I thought they were brother and sister at the time. But it makes less cringey they aren't. Still cringey though.

Especially if you've experienced such trauma.

But all that aside, being they were left to their own resources, ideas, being young and uneducated, etc it is a good movie. Brooke is stunning throughout.

I enjoyed how the movie captures "life" as it should be. (Minus all the cringey stuff) I do remember the movie for the most part from when I saw it over 20 years ago, except the part of Paddy's demise.

Thank you Max for featuring the film.


The movie felt like a little boys fantasy role playing game, and just so happen to be a cool little girl playing along.

Especially in the space scenes, for sure.

Overall, movie wasn't so bad hence why I gave it a higher rating than 2 or 3. I'm also not a huge Matthew McConaughey fan. Despite that, it was a good overall movie. I didn't add it to list of movies I'd add to my collection.

Now to fill up the rest of the rating with nonsense, cause they want you to write a novel of a review. Not sure why. But almost there. I hope you will enjoy it more than I did.

This is too much for my anxiety. LIMIT MET, thank your imaginary friend.


I was raised catholic, even baptized but turned atheist.

No wonder I quit believing. Fromnall the magic, fairytale stories that consist of violence, rape, murder and incest. But he'll awaits those who love one another truly. I'm talking about our gay and lesbian people.

I could never understand such hatred, not just on them, but inter-racial couples as well.

I have always figured if rheybare happy and in love then you must be jealous.

This movie just proves that domestic violence, incest and schizophrenia plays a major role in religion. Either that or they are tripping on shrooms, or some psychedelic I've never heard of. (Nor want to try).

This was such a disturbing and disgusting movie. Can't believe Emma Watson played in this, but then again she made a start in Harry Potter, did she think it would have the same turn out?

Message to Emma: find a new agent girlfriend.


On a Wing and a Prayer

Movie lost me a long time ago, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt.

But where it really lost me was the girlfriend was like"im building you a cockpit." Seriously?

So in real time, emergency situation and we are all of a sudden in shop class and building furniture, cockpits, and bird houses.

Then the whole deal with the epi-pen.

I'm sorry Dennis felt this was going to be a huge hit. But really?

I understand making cuts in a movie and shortening this or that. But I feel you could have cut out the building if a cockpit.....what for the sake of the story of the couple with the communication problem or the connection problem? I'm sure something else could have been used.

Just all around ridiculous.

Bad accents, bad script....embarrassing.

The Curious Case of Natalia Grace

Ridiculous and Comical
I'm not appalled by the outcome, or even about the story.

What's appalling is the acting within this. How one person makes a heinous claim about what one person did to another and laughs about it?

The way Michael almost has this coached and scripted way to act in camera (sudden "I'm going to kick someone's ass to all of a sudden I can't do that I'm not man enough," really?

That was so pathetic and staged.

As for Natalia, I don't know. A couple things seems she is scamming, but as for the way she was treated especially with Lafetteville seems deplorable, mainly just because if her disability.

Yes, Kristine and Michael should be held accountable for the neglect on their disabled adoptive daughter.

Just sayin.


No Surprise
As a multiple sexual assault victim, myself.

I'm kind of glad I never came forth to report of my assaults, or even mention them to those I even trust, or should trust.

I have heard too many stories of how victims have been shamed, or have made to feel/think we have deserved it some way (the way we were dressed, acted, mixed signals, etc).

It's truly sad.

More needs to be done.

It's deplorable of what are justice system is. Even more deplorable of our "serve and protect" people are.

My faith in humanity and society is pretty nonexistent, nor will I ever turn to those who I'm expected to trust (LE's) to expect to protect me. I think I will rely on myself to do that from now on.

Girl in Progress

I feel this is a knock-off from Spanglish. Which, that was a far better movie.

However, this was a good movie as well, with its own struggles and such.

I don't know why reviews has to be so dang long.

Girl in Progress, is a good movie. So go ahead and watch it. What more can I say?

I suppose returns and extra spaces don't Makena difference in any if this??

No, it doesn't. So I will keep rambling.

I'm fortunate to know my mother never consumed her time in different men. Where I got that habit from is beyond me. Maybe because all I wanted in life was to be loved, needed and feel wanted.

Characters met, have a nice night.


It's lame, what can I say?

More of a whole eye-roll throughout. From gagging at the mockery of those with REAL trauma to the unoriginal camera twists and turns. Nothing scary about that.

Acting was mediocre l, the plot was like some one far fetching. Wasn't much of a horror, or thriller. It's like, someone mixed IT and the movie Devil. Which those are worthy and original. But I guess if you were bored, like I was, it's worth a view. But if you're a horror fan like I am, I would say find something else. But if you're just curious, go for it.

I could get more of a jump-scare watch R. L. Stine.

Eighth Grade

Good insight
I grew up in the 80's.

I just want to say, I was succumbed to bullying for 3 years, from 8th grade to 10th, (school I went to started at 7th, because the religious school I attended, closed, so we were pretty much forced to transfer to the high school, small town), and started to decrease in 11th, because by then I was fed up and was causing ohysical fights. I don't think, I would have been able to do videos on YouTube, or even have social media because of the bullying and the public humiliation.

For Kayla's character I admire her strength to be this inspiration and uplifting girl with so much great advice, despite her not having it all together herself.

I'm just glad we didn't have social media back then.

I feel, I was very much like "Kayla," nervous, quiet, and I always felt different.

Movie was a bit triggering, but I praise the actors and actresses, for doing such a great job.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Great movie
Great movie, if you love Marvel, highly recommend. Not sure what else to say

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