
IMDb member since September 2012
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    11 years


Don Adams' Screen Test

Screen Test
I was just a little girl when this show was on, but to this day I still remember it. I just loved it. I wanted to be an actor when I grew up so I always would reenact the scene they did. Wasn't there a catch phrase when they were finished, like: 'That's a wrap' or 'in the can'? I can't remember. It seems that there was only 2 contestants on each show, but I may be wrong. I was only 9. Don Adams seemed so different from his character on Get Smart of course. Sometimes people were really good, sometimes...blech. I looked forward to seeing what kind of scene they would have to play, and compare it to what the second actor would say. My whole family would sit on the couch and watch this show. Back in the simpler days of only 3 channels.

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