
IMDb member since September 2012
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Good Ones
Episode 1, Season 8

Disappointed how woke they've gotten
Now this show has always been a bit woke, but at least they were funny about it. This episode was just annoying with all the corrupt police stuff, yes we know the police are corrupt, literally every system that exists is corrupted. Other than some funny moments, this was a pretty bad episode, probably the worst episode in the series, but I know mainstream journalists will definitely give it higher ratings just because it's woke, that's the state of entertainment now.

Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film

One of my favorite documentaries
I remember when this documentary first aired and falling in love with it, I was about 11 and my love for horror was starting to blossom. Rewatching it now it's still a good documentary and it's still pretty relevant, but as I got older my knowledge for horror grew and I realize that this documentary did miss out on some earlier slasher movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Black Christmas. I know they still make slasher movies nowadays but something about 80s slashers we're more special, and I don't think they can ever really be recreated. I'll take most 80s slashers over modern Horror anyday.

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