
IMDb member since October 2012
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Ok but very frustrating to watch
Alba is ok and generally acting is pretty good. But there are so many of those frustrating unreal acting sequences where they just refuse to say the obvious like the word 'hijack" or 'bullet' instead talking around it for ever which is infuriating. Then counter terror peeps also don't inform atc so they expose the pilot. It ruins the series for me and takes it from a 7 star to a 4-5 rating. Also it takes forever for the UK authorities to work out something is wrong even when getting correlation from multiple sources then counter terror talks about it like it's some sort of mystery to be solved... With the sensitivity around hijacking alarm bells would be going off everywhere. And the ending is terrible... So many cringeworthy fakes... As if an air trafficker would talk through the landing and WHERE IS THE COPILOT?? Sitting down the back? Question... How far does an airliner glide at 1500ft... Answer not far especially when you throw in a hard bank turn. And APU runs on fuel... When there is none there's only battery power to some critical systems. Fail.

However there is a good core story buried in there with some ok acting and Alba is definitely one of the highlights.

Force of Nature: The Dry 2

A long way short of The Dry
I love Eric Bana and the majority of his movies and I love the first The Dry movie. I was wondering how they would tie a sequel in. Unfortunately I was disappointed with the result. Bana gives a solid acting performance but the majority of supporting actors I feel fell flat. I was often agitated by the overacting at some points throughout the movie. Also I thought the story was terrible. It meandered around and I had no issue with the jumping back and forth but the story was flat and weak, unlike the initial movie the side plots were uninteresting and limp not helped by some overacting and overly theatrical perfomances. Finally it ended up going nowhere with a confusing nobody did it, it was just an accident result leaving what little suspense and buildup there was to fall flat and trail off to nothing. I loved the first one but the acting and story of this sequel is second rate in comparison.


Great start then nothing happened for 6 episodes
I can't believe how stagnant the story was. I gave 1 star each for the first 3 episodes then it literally ground to a halt for 5 boring episodes. Literally nothing moved, the just played out little side plots... My god why would they spend so long on Spenser's transit as if watching him drift aimlessly on the ocean is somehow interesting or entertainment... News flash... It ain't! And back at the ranch the same thing happened... Winter came but not only seasonally but plot and storyline as well. Drawn out debauchery, people just sitting and lying around passing the time... God a sitcom has more activity, plot and interesting characters.

I'm not sure whether COVID restricted their advancing the plot but it's the most pedestrian and disappointing writing I've watched for a long time. Sorry for the rant but thought it was terrible for the above mentioned reasons.


They just keep screwing up and getting their arse handed to them
For superheroes the do a lot of painful lying and deceit followed by constantly getting beat up and on the losing end of fighting. Painful to watch. Actual fight scenes are really good and acting isn't too bad... But still can't over superheroes that get bested by literally everyone they come across.

Van Helsing

Not awesome acting
The overacting, particularly Jack and Violet, was painful to watch. Cringe worthy at times. It was just too much and ruined season 4 for me.

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