
IMDb member since July 2004
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    19 years



Devs - well I should have known by the title
Garland is an excellent, big idea writer. No question. But the visuals are so BBC Dr Who, what science lab needs to look like a Louis Vuitton store on 5th Avenue. I can't tell you about the plot as I stopped after the 1st episode, when you know more than the badly acted lead actress, what's the point. And as for the score, well someone watched 2001 and thought they'd put in on the small telly for us, but without Stanley's vision it's so over the top, you'd rather put needles in your ears than your fingers.

Mothers and Daughters

Utter rubbish
No screenwriters were harmed or used in the making of terrible film. I don't usually write reviews but I want save others from this utter rubbish. Right from the start you know you are in for an awful film, too many bad actors to care about, terrible, over the top acting. Everyone communicates via apple face time, ( perhaps they read the script and couldn't be arsed to turn up and everyone is going through a terrible time, until the last 2 mins, and all is forgiven. Champagne? but the girl who is about to terminate her baby, is saved by a overly handsome, pasta eating doctor, who doesn't really have wife and kids, has fallen for a pregnant, not so talented photographer, who looks like she hasn't slept for a month - really. Cinderella has more realism. Sharon Stone, as ever, is great. Never trust a film with lots of stars in, you have never heard of. Because everyone buried it, and so they shroud.

Not Yet

Intriguing, beautiful, heart stopping.
It's an incredibly simple but effective short film. From the very first frame you are gripped, intrigued and it holds you to the the very last frame. Will he? and why? It's beautifully shoot,(looks like film) cleverly structured, you are drip feed just enough information to work it out but not the ending, you have to wait for that. Under pinned by a perfectly balanced score, it's everything a good rounded short film should be. Film students should take note it's a great example. Well done Tito and crew, a great progression from your last and a fine performance from the actor. Looking forward to the next. Keep the faith Tito, you're a talent.

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