Reviews (3)

  • Malikappuram is the movie for the common man. It is heart touching,emotional,action packed and thrilling with fantastic performances from the lead actors-Devananda, Sreepath and the versatile,but neglected in Malayalam cinema,Unni Mukundan.

    The first half brings in the emotional story line while the second half leaves the average movie goer spellbound.

    Unnimukundan steals the show in the second half. Action scenes were well taken which reminds us of Pulimurugan and RRR. Songs are sweet and melodious, especially the Nangely prove and the evergreen Harivarasanam. Editing,choreography and makeup departments deserve an applause. With such a minor budget Director Vishnu and writer Abhilash Pillai have created a divine hit in par with Kantara and Malayalam deserve such movies in the era of New generation slow paced movies.
  • A while earlier, we saw a little bemused actress Parvati Thiruvothu saying publicly in a platform that the movie Take off was Islamophobic because it showed muslims in poor colour as alqueda terrorists. Afterwards, things spiralled down into another course with directors and actors trying to whitewash even the most heinous and ruthless terrorists into innocent, kind hearted souls who are even patriotic at times. Yes, Hinduphobia became the best seller in kerala. This movie is nothing but the amalgamation of hinduphobic kerala Marxism ( pinarayism) and anarchism metamorphosed into reality.Joe Baby subtly incorporates his political and casteist views into a film that depicts a subject that's insignificant in the current decade.The way he portrays the antagonist as a hindu believer, savarna male is the culmination of his fantasies as a hinduphobic anarchist. The movie is in short, a propoganda like the movie sufiyum sujatayum. Better avoid.
  • Vetrimaran's Asuran offers nothing new, but the same age old formula of caste based violence and revenge.Except for the performances of Dhanush, Manju and ken karunas, the movie has nothing to offer.When compared with Pariyerum perumal which exceptionally portrayed the current social situation of the land, Asuram is nothing but,a patriarchal portrayal of violence.During the climax,the director advises the audience that education and not bloodshed is important.The director but fails to practice what he preaches.