
IMDb member since October 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


American Rescue Squad

A feast!
... 'saw the "Problem Solving the Republic" World Premiere at the Twin Cities Film Fest on 10/19, and am still in the process of digesting all of the wonderfully spicy bits. What a smörgåsbord of over-the-top FUN! And, like a smörgåsbord, you will find things you love, things you dislike, things you haven't had before, and things you will be going back for. This movie manages to humorously (often with cringe-worthy results) hit the mark on the "ignorance and arrogance" that are corroding our country. Musical numbers, cartoons, super- heroes, and many other "characters" all help to comically serve-up the message of our political and social woes. This is a deliciously witty film..... it will, without a doubt, leave you craving for the return of Common Sense and Personal Responsibility!

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