
IMDb member since October 2012
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The Killer

This is NOT a recruiting video for hitmen.
I am a fan of so many people involved in this movie. That said, I am not a fan of this film.

This is a polished, tight, well written, well acted and BORING movie. The pace is very intentional and I believe the movie accomplished what the filmmakers wanted. But, it was so slow that by the end I wanted to end myself.

Most "hired gun" flicks have some intrigue and periodic adrenaline rushes, to keep you engaged. By the end, I'm thinking, "I could do that." By the end of "The Killer" I was thinking, "why would anyone do that?" The performances were top notch, and it had so much potential. And, they had PLENTY of run time to make it better. It's a perfect film if you need something to watch while you go to sleep, this is NOT a film to help inspire and recruit future killers.


Unfrosted needs some frosting.
Maybe I built up "Unfrosted" too much, in my mind. When I heard about this movie, I got excited. And when I saw the cast, I nearly hyperventilated. But, when I finally watched it, I fell asleep.

This movie had so much potential and it had some really funny moments. But it lacked so many elements that make a great comedy movie. It needed frosting.

The look and feel of the movie was retro and bright and cool. It had a "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" vibe with a quick and witty script, snappy interactions, and a very intentional pacing. What it was missing is heart and moments that make you care about the characters. It was as if they made a script out of one of Seinfeld's bits (which they sort of did). It was like one long joke that never paused to let jokes land or slowed to build a connection with the audience. It was as if it was written by a first time director and screen writer (which is also true). This movie needs to go back to the creators and be re-written.

There are comedy and acting icons in this movie. I wish someone had stopped to ask them for their input on the scenes they were in. Or, watch season one and two of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and follow that blueprint.

"Unfrosted" felt rushed, like they had to get the plot and all of the jokes in by a certain time, but character development, chemistry, and connection with the audience wasn't a concern. There is beauty in silence and pauses between delivered lines. The audience needs time to marinate about what they have watched, from time to time.

I was also disappointed that none of the cast from "Seinfeld" had cameos. This is a movie where Jason Alexander would have shined and Julia Louis-Dreyfus makes everything better simply with her presence.

"Unfrosted" was underwhelming. Tons of potential with moments of laughter and times where it hits the target. It should be re-made, but this time add some frosting.


This comedy series is not for everyone. That said, I WANT MORE!!!

Loudermilk is humor in the same lane as "There's Something About Mary" but with heart. Clearly, it was made on a budget and the cast is filled with unknown actors, but they deliver a sharp script and original story plots with wit and believability.

Ron Livingston helms this cast as gruff, angry and darkly honest Loudermilk, an addiction recovery support group leader. He used to be a music critic who is now helping a group through their sobriety. His sarcastic, deadpan delivery sometimes makes you wonder why anyone would seek his help for anything. But, it works and the rest of the crew all play well off of each other.

Other notable actors are Will Sasso, who plays his roommate and sponsor, and Anja Savcic, who plays the newest member of the group. They help make Loudermilk appear more human and likeable. I also found Brian Regan a refreshing surprise, as a group member. I didn't expect as much heart to be put into his performance.

There is an obvious intent for there to be messages about "staying strong" and "don't give up," but it is done with originality and raw honesty. The show also intentionally highlights unknown music artists but it introduced me to some good music.

The humor is what I would classify as "guy" and "raw." My wife wouldn't like it. But, if you're a fan of the Farrelly brothers and want to watch something a little different and with some heart, this show is worth a watch.

Self Reliance

Understated Gem
I'm biased. I'm a big fan of Jake Johnson. He knows where his talents lie and does an excellent job staying in his lane. If you're a fan of "New Girl" or "Win It All," then this is in your wheelhouse. What surprised me is how well executed this movie is.

This small, independent movie has an original story, excellent script, great score, and fantastic acting. You would expect great acting from Anna Kendrick and she plays nicely off of Jake. So does Biff Wiff and the rest of the cast. They look like they had fun making it.

"Self Reliance" is a tight hour and a half. It is a sly and witty comedy with a hint of drama, that I will watch again.

Fool's Paradise

I get it, but I didn't like it.
"Fool's Paradise" tries to be funny and entertaining. It tries. Charlie Day wrote & directed an homage to Buster Keaton and the Peter Sellers film "Being There," but he didn't deliver an entertaining film. It is meant to be a satire of who we make celebrities and how quickly our opinions can change. By the end, though, I just didn't care.

I love Charlie Day and thought he was perfectly cast to be the lead. His eyes portrayed his naivety perfectly, but he lacked the physical comedy and over expression that would have made this more entertaining.

What he needed was help. He needed a partner to help with both writing and directing duties. Someone to say "that's not funny" or "this scene makes no sense and needs a rewrite." I get what he was trying to accomplish and I hope it leads to more attempts by Charlie Day. But I hope the next attempts are better.

Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game

A Masterpiece of Undersized Proportions
Make no mistake, this is a small movie. Little known actors, writers, and directors. But what they produced is a masterpiece of storytelling that is memorable and, most importantly, fun to watch.

This is not just a movie about pinball, you probably expected to read that. It is a movie about life. It is a tight hour and a half runtime, so it doesn't waste a minute. The actors all delivered unexpectedly genuine performances and the script is smart. The story is predictable and so is the ending, but the storytelling and acting is so well done and funny that I might watch it again, later today.

This is is the kind of movie you watch when you need a little nudge, when you're a little stuck. It's a an entertaining reminder that we control our choices and to have fun with that fact.

My Spy

Sweet, funny and better than I expected.
I watched this movie because I watched a trailer and thought it wouldn't kill me to watch it. I have watched it two more times because I was pleasantly surprised and found it very entertaining.

This is a predictable movie, it doesn't break any new ground for the family comedy. But the dialog is smart and funny and the main cast delivers good performances.

Dave Bautista gives a dead-pan performance that is funny and emotional at points. But his solid performance keeps getting upstaged by his young co-star Chloe Coleman. She is a natural comedic actor who is pleasant to watch. She has a bright future.

This is a great watch for family movie night, ages 8 and up, or if you're looking for light and funny entertainment. I was left wondering when they're going to release "My Spy 2."

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