Reviews (10)

  • This movie is a slow burn. It's a dark drama but with touches of humor. Well shot and executed. I think the highlight of this one is the cinematography. Is it worth a watch? Yes. If you're a fan of indie films and are adventurous in choosing what you watch, then this one will be worth your time!
  • Really enjoyed this one. It goes against what you may think it will be. It takes a cliche and turns it on it's head. Big thumbs up for that. Watch this!
  • I really really appreciate the overall QUALITY of this film. It looks immaculate and just reeks of artistic care. The story hypnotizes you in. The acting is good as is the direction and cinematography. SO well done. I highly recommend.
  • I enjoyed this movie. It grabs your attention right from the beginning and doesn't let go. The chemistry between the two leads was nice. I'd recommend. Give it a watch!
  • This is a good example of the creators having a blast and making something a big Hollywood corporation wouldn't. I enjoyed it's unique way of spinning the story and it kept me guessing. Give this a watch!
  • I love anything to do with Aliens. Crop circles are a staple of such subjects. This movie explored aspects of the phenomenon that I hadn't heard of before. If you're looking for a documentary with more angles on this extraterrestrial topic, check it out!
  • This movie is epic. Well shot, takes it's time without being boring. You really feel like you're neck and neck with the characters. The performances were really well done. The story was captivating. I don't know what the budget was on this but the filmmakers used everything they had with poise and skill. It's exciting to see how filmmakers can bring a big story to screen with a FRACTION of Hollywoods money. Highly recommend!
  • I had no idea what to expect from this movie. I got sucked in and really liked hanging with the characters and wondering what would happen next. It's like an indie Truman show in a way. It's got a vibe that sort of demands that you relax and take whatever you're watching in. It's got a subtle comedy that I really dig! If you're an aspiring artist of any kind, I think you'll love this like I did. Also, THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD!
  • BloodHound Keeps you engaged! Every parents worst nightmare! Low budget but not in a way that detracts from the story. The acting is good. Give this a watch!
  • Didn't know what to expect when starting this. What I liked about it was it's original take on the music industry. It actually has a lot to say. It's a unique film that has a vibe of it's own. It seems like the #MeToo movement is already inspiring movies with a pro female stance. First and foremost though, this movie is funny and entertaining. The director is one of the standouts here. He weaves together a funny story with a message. The movie has a good look and the music is top notch. Check this out!