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Tall Girl

I Can't Believe This Came Out in 2019
This movie plays like an early 2000s rom com. My boyfriend & I put this on just to see how bad it was, and we were not disappointed.

The girl is tall and I get it, teen girls are notoriously insecure, I was one. But she really seems to care more about her height than anyone else in the movie.

My main issue with this movie is with her guy friend. The kid is scarily obsessed with her, and keeps hitting on her and pursuing her despite her constantly turning him down. He manipulates the new transfer student to try and keep him from becoming involved with Jodi, and at one point in the movie someone asks him if he is just going to wait for Jodi until he becomes her type and he says YES!

This kid is so disrespectful of her boundaries and clearly doesn't care about Jodi's happiness unless it involves him. Towards the end of the movie, he gives her a pair of high heels, seemingly to say that he loves her no matter how tall she is. Unfortunately, despite his psychotic behavior, Jodi ends up with him after he defends her. No joke, this kid gets up on a box to kiss her! So he's actually NOT fine with being shorter than her! This movie completely undermines the message it is really poorly attempting to convey. I can't imagine what the premise of the sequel will be.

Wind River

Snowy Suspense
I thoroughly enjoyed this film for the most part. It takes place on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. The movie opens by introducing us to Cory's (Jeremy Renner) profession as a hunter/tracker and his somewhat fractured home life. It isn't too long until he discovers the body of a teenage girl out in the snow. The harsh, vast, snowy wilderness perfectly conveys the eerie and menacing undertones of the tragic death (homicide) of the young woman, who happened to be best friends with Cory's daughter, who also died under mysterious circumstances a few years prior. He is understandably driven to find the perpetrators and exact justice seeing as he never received answers about his daughter. Jane Banner (Elizabeth Olsen), an FBI agent clearly unprepared for the cold and unfamiliar with the Native way of life, shows up to help investigate the case. Throughout the investigation, the movie portrays the many problems Native Americans face without being disrespectful to their culture or portraying them as one dimensional stereotypes. The movie delves into alcoholism and addiction, poverty, and violence on reservations - all topics that need far more attention than they receive.

The good: The acting is fantastic. None of it seems disingenuous or over the top, a trap many action movies fall into. The characters are believable and you really find yourself swept up in the story as it unfolds and rooting for justice for young Natalie (the homicide victim). The cinematography is flawless. Nature can be as dangerous as it is beautiful, and this film embraces that concept to add to the tone of the movie. You are edge of your seat for most of the film because it has good pacing and doesn't give things away too early or treat the audience like a child and explain every tiny aspect outright. It isn't riddled with flashbacks, which makes the one or two it does feature far more effective. The ending is supremely satisfying.

The bad: My main problem with this movie is the rape scene. It's not just this movie, it's an epidemic. There is no need to film a brutal rape scene for rape to be a part of the plot. I'm pretty sure everyone understands the concept of rape and it doesn't need to be shown on screen for the audience to understand how horrific it is. I really wish directors would move past this fixation because it doesn't really add anything to the impact the film has and is almost always shown just to emphasize how deranged/powerful/sadistic a character is (which can be shown in so many other ways). That being said, my only other issue with this movie is that they treat Jane as though she is clueless, but she is a very intelligent and dedicated agent. Yes, she is not well versed on tribal issues and she flew in from Vegas so she wasn't dressed for snow, but the constant undertone of "well that's not how we do it here" gets a little obnoxious.

Overall, this is a powerful film and tells a very important story. The visceral emotion and the strong storyline in this film really leaves a deep impact on the viewer.

Baby Driver

Fun Movie - Style Over Substance
I saw Baby Driver twice. The first time, I really left feeling ambiguous about it. I overwhelmingly felt like the lack of plot detracted from the quality of them movie.

The second time I watched it, I actually enjoyed it. This is Edgar Wright doing what he does best. The movie is highly stylistic and almost the entire movie is set to music. The action, the dialogue, nearly everything is in time with a song or a drum solo or a guitar riff. The acting is good, for the most part. Kevin Spacey is always exceptional - he seems to excel at playing somewhat devious characters. Ansel is very charismatic, and though he doesn't actually speak much during this film, he still commands attention and you develop an affection for his character. My only issue is with his love interest. Debora is, as female characters tend to be, only there to further Baby's plot line. Their chemistry makes sense, but her complete willingness to run away with a person entrenched in a world of crime that she barely knows really bothered me. I still left feeling as though the plot was substandard, but it didn't really matter. This movie is not about the plot, it is about the experience. There are breathtaking car chase scenes and just generally excellent cinematography. The color schemes are poignant and deliberate, and the consistent music supplies the tone and pace for every scene. Overall, I would say this movie is worth a watch. Just don't go in expecting a heavily plot driven movie or a ton of character development.

Jessica Jones

All Around Amazing
I am truly baffled by the negative reviews. This show is incredible. Every character is truly fascinating and we get glimpses of their back stories to supplement the story, but I guess people are disappointed that not everything was revealed immediately? I am almost positive that the mystery of Jessica Jones' background is intentional and they will reveal more as the show develops. As for people that complain that the show is boring....these must be the people keeping things like the Transformers series in business. If you're looking for constant explosions and action, you'll be disappointed. However, if you are looking for a show with well developed characters, a chilling villain, a compelling and relatable main character, an intriguing storyline, and just utterly spectacular acting, this is the show for you. No, it's not a typical superhero show. It goes above and beyond in so many aspects. This has raised the bar for superhero stories, in my opinion. Krysten Ritter is superb and very believable as Jessica Jones. I love love love this show! Give it a chance, you will not be sorry you did! I can't wait for Season 2.

Sugar & Spice

A Very Funny, Self-Aware Comedy
I love this movie and watch it every few months. The casting is perfect - Mena Suvari as Kansas and James Marsden as Jack are the standouts among an exceptional cast. This film is cheesy in the greatest way. I mean, it's about a high school cheerleading squad robbing a bank to fund the cheer captain's pregnancy! The characters are really well developed and are the driving force. They all have little aspects of them that make them unique and hilarious - I find Cleo's obsession with Conan O'Brien to be particularly funny. The film is narrated by a very snarky and obviously jealous "B Squad" (junior varsity) cheerleader. They do a good job of juxtaposing what she says with what is actually happening, but the lines blur a little as you get farther into the story and you start to wonder what to believe. It truly does have surprising little twists and turns, but nothing overwhelming. This is a great movie to just relax and watch with your friends or in a bubble bath or something. Witty, memorable, and ultimately a story of the power of female friendship and a satire of high school politics and stereotypes.


Slow & Overrated
I don't understand why this movie has such a high rating - I think people respect the director and actors involved so much that they can't see past that and honestly review it.

The score was unique and fit with the overall tone of the movie. By far, the crowning jewel of this movie was the cinematography. There are some gorgeous shots in this film.

The acting was good - but the characters and the writing seemed stereotypical and haphazard. It's like they wrote the outline to a high school paper but never actually made it an essay. The characters' motivations and back stories are glossed over, with the exception of Del Toro's character, and even his back story is explained in a matter of seconds, although that's all you really need to grasp the concept. His character is by far the most interesting part of the movie.

Blunt, despite playing the "main character," gets NO back story, with the exception of knowing that she is divorced and for some reason her partner feels the need to constantly bring up the fact that she wears comfortable clothing in her downtime, like for some reason she should dress up and do her makeup to sit around at home as though that would signify that she has moved on from her ex husband. The one time she tries to hook up with a dude (apparently for the first time in years - which is a miracle, clearly, because her hair was in a bun and she wasn't dressed up - DEAR Christ), he tries to kill her because he is a rogue agent working for the cartel. This is a completely unnecessary aspect of the plot and it actually felt like they had to work really hard to fit this in, because Emily Blunt's partner has known this dude FOR YEARS. Overall, her character is written very lazily and it feels flat. She's a total stereotype - hardened female agent that somehow keeps letting these dang emotions get in the way of the mission. She does everything by the book and has a real issue with the....looser morals of the team she is assigned to work with. Except she gets over that issue in about five minutes, and then she wants to be fully immersed in this operation despite the illegalities involved. Until the end...when she OVER THREAT OF DEATH WITH A GUN TO HER THROAT tries to refuse to sign a paper stating the operation was by the books. She has suddenly reclaimed her moral high ground for no apparent reason.

Let's talk about Josh Brolin's character. He is irritating. I can almost begin to see why Emily Blunt's character is on an emotional roller coaster, because they don't tell her anything. They interviewed her and brought her into this operation, yet when she inquires as to why they're doing something they just brush her off until she harps enough (gosh darn nagging woman, wanting to know what she's gotten herself into) for them to finally throw some tidbits of information at her. This is because they only brought her along to finagle through some legal loophole, yet this doesn't really matter in the long run, because everything they do is illegal or sketchy anyway, regardless of her presence. Brolin's character is flippant, not well fleshed out, and he is the epitome of the "I've been doing this forever so I know better than you" jaded agent. "Just trust me" "You're in or you're out" "That's how the real world works, Emily Blunt, you annoying shrew" sums up his character. He wears sandals to the office one time - HOW JADED!!

Benicio's character - the most interesting plot is given the least amount of focus. The leader of this cartel that they are after killed his wife and daughter a long time ago. He's acting as a hit- man for hire working alongside the agency to unearth the whereabouts of this guy so they can....I dunno....cut down on or eliminate cartel activity (because they found a house full of bodies at the beginning of the movie! Oh wait, did I forget to mention that?! It's because it's completely irrelevant and is never brought up again. It's a plot device to quickly and gruesomely say "The cartel is bad. Look, they killed these people and stuffed them in walls. This movie is a thriller, remember?!") So well into the second half of the movie, he goes off on his own and methodically kills his way to this cartel leader's house, where he is conveniently eating dinner with his family. I will not tell you exactly what happens, as it is the only scene in this movie I would call tense or thrilling in any way, but it's safe to say he gets his revenge in a somewhat unexpected manner. I would have honestly preferred it if the whole movie was told from his perspective and there were some flashbacks to his past included. This would have made for an enticing thriller.

So, in summation - flat characters, in addition to the fact that the movie drags and has an extremely disjointed feeling to it, really left me feeling like I had wasted a couple hours. Not much happens and not much progress is made in the first half of the movie, and you're left wondering how certain things are relevant to the plot at all. It doesn't feel like this was well thought out. This film was attempting to be a gritty action thriller, but I felt almost no suspense. I was bored for over 75% of the movie. I know all the people involved with this film are capable of much better work, so I'm not really sure why it turned out the way that it did. Something got lost in the process, clearly. I wouldn't recommend it.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Spoilers don't really matter if you've read the book....
I was confused for the first ten minutes of the film and angry throughout the rest. Have they heard of the book?! Oh my god. I'm sorry, but this should not have been allowed to be released under this name. It has NOTHING to do with the books. I understand the idea of appealing to people who haven't read the book, but this doesn't even do that. They wasted a ton of money to produce a generic zombie movie. What was wrong with the book plot? It was exciting. It has surprising elements and betrayals and horrific occurrences. This movie had none of these things. Not to mention the fact that they invent characters and then give them no introductions or meaningful characteristics. They couldn't even portray the landscape accurately. If you enjoy films with no depth that are almost purely driven by action, you'll love this. The sad thing is that I respect all of the actors and actresses in this movie. They did the best with the useless garbage they were contractually obligated to perform. They all have great work outside of this film, and I hope it doesn't kill any of their careers. Utter disappointment, don't waste your time. I can't believe the author of the books was OK with this....

Straight Outta Compton

Beautiful & Moving Story
I saw this yesterday and I am so glad I did. The one star reviews of this movie are honestly making me very angry. It seems that people have very narrow views of the world and are upset they were exposed to a slice of peoples' lives that don't align with what they think is right. People comparing it to a porn have obviously never seen any actual pornography. This movie is poignant and moving. Yes, there are scenes with women wearing little or no clothing. People have sex. NWA blew up and surrounded themselves with beautiful women, as many celebrities do, but these are the same people who don't say a word when reviewing Wolf of Wall Street, James Bond movies, etc.

The top review right now that is showing on the MAIN PAGE for this film on IMDb says "Were black men so aggressive and shameless during the 1980's?" Are you kidding me?! If you go to see this movie and that is what you come out with, then you have some prejudices that are deeply embedded in your personality and a movie, unfortunately, can't change that.

First things first - the casting was spectacular. O'Shea Jackson Jr. and his dad could be twins, I swear. The entire cast actually look very similar to their real life counterparts. The actors and actresses in this movie were incredible and obviously felt a deep connection to the roles they played. The talent in these men, especially those playing Dre, Ice Cube, and Eazy E, is off the charts. I hope to see much more of all these actors. These men lived hard lives and were born in a rough part of the world. They struggled and suffered a lot of hardship. They worked hard to get to where they did. This film doesn't gloss over any of the less pretty aspects of their lives in Compton, nor the fact that people continued to try to silence them and refused to see past their skin color even when they started to become well known. I love seeing the camaraderie between these young men - they look out for each other when no one else will. I cried twice during this movie - if there were people who weren't touched by this movie, they must have hearts of steel.

Are they angry? Of course they're angry. Look how they got treated by police, by people in general! Look how black people today STILL get treated like that! This movie is incredibly relevant to a lot of the issues going on in our society now. Anyone that thinks this movie is glorifying the thug life obviously missed the entire point of the movie and apparently turned their ears off during the scene where they LITERALLY discuss this exact sentiment. This movie seems to have offended those who live in a bubble separate from the real world where bad things happen to people and where people sometimes don't behave in ways that you think are "upstanding." News flash, it's a movie about NWA. If you didn't think there would be swearing, sex, and alcohol and drug use, you didn't know anything about the group or the time period or the places it was set in and you seemingly know nothing of the world in general. Sometimes people don't talk and act and experience things in the same way as you, and that doesn't make them inferior, it doesn't make them thugs, and it doesn't make their voices any less valid.

In summation, this movie is beautiful. It's real. It's raw. It's not whitewashed and toned down so as not to offend racist people's views of what black people should act like and what roles they should be relegated to. That's what NWA was all about anyway, not putting up with other people's crap and not allowing people to put them in a box and tell them what they can and can't say/do. I love NWA's music. My sixty year old white parents loved this movie. It's actually long enough to flesh out a complete story from beginning to end without racing through things like a lot of movies seem to do nowadays. The acting is brilliant and the camera doesn't pan away when things get real. I think everyone should give this movie a chance. I'm so glad I caught it while it was still on the big screen. It's a brilliant story about the hardships and the triumphs of a group of men who overcame a lot and fought hard to be successful. I will absolutely be buying this movie on DVD when it comes out.

American Ultra

Funny, Touching, & Action Packed
I don't really see a good reason for all the negative reviews. Each cast member gives a stellar performance. I think anyone who is still doubting Kristen Stewart's acting ability should watch this film. The romance between Eisenberg and Stewart is very realistic and sweet in its own odd way. There is a good amount of character development and you find yourself rooting for these two stoners before you are even sure what they'll be up against. This is definitely a comedy, albeit a black comedy at times. The movie is a good mix of comedy and action. There is a little bit of gore, but reviewers seem to think it's (pardon the pun) overkill. I think it's pretty on par with the violence in Zombieland. Some gruesome shots and blood, but it is rated R.... The movie gets a little creepy and intense at times but it's nothing I was really shocked or offended by.

I spent the entire movie trying to figure out where I recognized the voice of the villain from, only to realize it was Topher Grace when the credits rolled! (Not a spoiler, this is made apparent from the very beginning). He does an amazing job and I hope to see more of him - I think he deserves a comeback after this performance.

Overall I loved this movie. I would recommend giving it a shot. The only reason I'm not giving it a ten is because I really disliked the drug dealer character and his role in the movie seemed pretty nonessential.

The Imitation Game

Beautiful Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It
Okay, let's get this out of the way up front. A lot of people seem to be harping on the fact that the film contains historical inaccuracies. Of course it does, it's a movie. When was the last time a movie that was based on a true story or event was completely accurate? Never, that's when.

Now that that's behind us, we can focus on the good aspects of the movie - so, everything aside from the inaccuracies that people can't seem to look past. Benedict Cumberbatch proves once again his ability to truly become the character he is playing. His performance is splendid, right down to stutters and other little mannerisms of the character. The supporting cast is incredible as well.

The cinematography is enthralling. They capture the time period very well. Some of the war footage looks a little hokey, but the way they wove it into the narrative truly made me empathize with people who experienced this firsthand.

It is truly a joy to get to know each character. It is charming to watch the crew of code breakers and linguists go from being unable to relate to Alan (Cumberbatch) to forming strong bonds as they come to understand Alan's offbeat nature. It is so endearing to watch Joan (Knightly) and Alan develop their uncharacteristic relationship and affection for one another. This story is definitely character driven, and by the end of the movie I felt privileged to have witnessed the lives of these characters unfolding.

Here comes the spoiler: Alan Turing was a homosexual, which was illegal in Britain at the time. This aspect of the story is what touched me the most, honestly. I felt such deep compassion for Alan and the struggles he experienced because of his sexual orientation. I won't give away any more, but to say he was treated unjustly and horrifically is the understatement of the century. I saw this movie in theaters three times, and I cried every time. The treatment of gay people throughout history, as well as in the present, is unacceptable and it truly broke my heart to watch this part of the story play out.

This movie just pulls on the heartstrings in every way. It keeps you on your toes. The pacing is perfect. I was never bored nor did I ever feel rushed or lost. There were no loose ends. I loved this movie and will absolutely be purchasing it on DVD when it comes out. I highly recommend that everyone at least give this movie a chance. This is one of the best movies I've seen in quite some time.

The Theory of Everything

This Is A Beautiful Film
I haven't ever read any of Stephen Hawking's books, but I really want to afters seeing this film. The story of his love with Jane is truly moving and felt very real and raw. The movie shows all aspects of the suffering that both of them dealt with due to his ALS. It just feels very human and the character development is great. Some of the grander scenes were visually stunning as well, especially the May Ball.

I have seen Eddie Redmayne in several other things, but this is a masterpiece. There are no words eloquent enough to describe how well he played this part. It is incredible the way he portrays the slow debilitation that happens with ALS. His walk, his speech, his facial expressions, and everything else are incredibly in depth and very accurate to what I've seen of Stephen Hawking from videos and interviews and so on. I really hope to see more of him as he is a very talented actor.

I loved this film. Stephen Hawking is a truly inspiring human being, and the movie was cast perfectly. I was caught up in the story and the passion and the ambitious natures of Stephen and Jane. The minor characters all served a purpose and played their parts beautifully. It really is a great film and reminds us that all of everyone suffers in different ways, but you can overcome almost any obstacle set in your way.

Wish I Was Here

I Do Not Understand All The Negative Reviews
I went to see this film with my dad last week and I loved it! I always loved Zach in Scrubs and when I saw the commercial for this movie, I knew it would be a must-see, and I wasn't disappointed.

The movie is well written and intelligent. It contains a variety of touching messages, but on the forefront is the importance of family. The casting is spot on. I usually am not a huge fan of Kate Hudson, but maybe she really showcased her talent in this movie. The characters have a depth to them that I rarely see any more in movies. They are human. They are flawed, but you love them regardless. There is more than one angle to them. No one character is solely "comedic relief" or "typical housewife" or "quirky kid." The film is paced well and includes some beautiful scenery, but that is just a bonus. The heart of the movies lies in seeing a little of yourself in the characters.

I thought the movie was beautiful, and I think it is absolutely worth paying for a ticket. It's one of the best movies I've seen in the theaters in a long time, and I really do not understand the negative reviews.

The Fault in Our Stars

As An Avid Fan Of The Book, I Was Thrilled With The Movie
Wow. I just left the theater, so I'm still a bit teary. This movie did what is so rare in movie adaptations of books nowadays - it stuck to the story faithfully. The acting is excellent and the pacing is great. At first I was unsure if I liked the lead actors because they were so different from what I pictured when reading the book, but they quickly proved themselves. Ansel and Shailene play off each other very well and they did the characters justice. I was a blubbering mess for the last thirty or forty minutes. The story is beautiful and it carries such a great message. I would definitely recommend this to anyone and everyone!


Amazing Film - A Must See!
Very minor spoilers involving characters, nothing plot-wise.

I was thoroughly impressed by this film. I think all the criticism about not showing Godzilla on camera enough shows the true caliber of moviegoers these days. They don't want substance, they want explosions and a minimal amount of barely passable plot. This is why there have been four Transformer movies, because people keep paying for and somehow enjoying mediocrity.

That being said, this film was beautiful. One of the most frightening parts is the initial mystery shrouding the non-human characters. The director spent a good portion of time on character development and you really feel for the emotions of each and every character, including Godzilla and the MUTO. The pacing is perfect. I was never bored and nothing felt rushed. The climax of the film was just that - a climax. The entire movie wasn't epic battles and explosions, but it built the entire time and MAN was it rewarding and awesome to watch the ending.

The cast was spot on. Everyone was perfect in their roles. You can tell they spent time finding the right people for the roles, even the characters with only one or two lines. My biggest commendation goes to Aaron Taylor-Johnson, the lead actor in this movie. Previously, I had only seen him in the Kick-Ass movies, and the transformations he made for this role are incredible. He clearly has a lot of acting range and emotional depth that is rare nowadays. The Kick-Ass movies were good, don't get me wrong, but I can say with confidence that this just secured him a spot among the A-listers. I truly hope he gets the recognition he deserves for his performance in this film.

In short, this film is epic and it is a must see. It was more of an experience than any movie I have seen in theaters lately. Sometimes you are just watching a film, and sometimes you are granted the good fortune to become immersed in one, and this was definitely the latter.


Beautiful Film, A Must See
I really don't understand the negative reviews of this film. I was a bit hesitant to see it at first, but my father wanted to go, and I am so glad I did. This film is spot on in every aspect and if I could give it more than ten stars, I would. It is, of course, beautiful visually, but the acting is also perfect and heart-wrenching and the plot is excellently conveyed. The movie is never boring. nor is it rushed. It is simply a beautiful story of human nature and the struggle of choosing between what is right and what is easy. I haven't been this blown away by a movie in a long time. I urge everyone to give it a chance - I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Disappointment Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It
If you were thinking about seeing The Desolation of Smaug, do yourself a favor and stay home. It's close to 3 hours of your life you will never get back. The plot has almost nothing to do with the book. There are completely fabricated characters and there is NO character development. In fact, I had to go stand in the hall for a minute because my brother & I were laughing so hard about the fact that the third movie could be 3 hours of the cast members literally destroying copies of The Hobbit and it would probably be a better movie than this. The last 30 minutes are completely made up, insulting to Tolkein, and painful to watch. I would actually pay more than I paid to see the movie to get those 3 hours of my life back. I am at a loss for words at how Peter Jackson did so well with the Lord of The Rings movies and then seemingly had a seizure while holding a pen and decided to call it a script and go with it. I think they thought that bringing back Legolas would help the movie, but in fact they only detracted by going ahead & writing him as a bland character who is now, instead of being primarily an archer, a ninja swordsman of some sort. They also opt to attempt to squeeze in a love story instead of actual events that happened in the book, because dull romance sells. If you love the book as much as I do and have any sort of positive expectations for this film, you will be severely let down.


Best TV Show I've Seen In Years
I don't remember how I happened upon this show, but I am so glad I did. It is an outstanding show. It is cast perfectly. Each character is flawed yet likable, but not in a way that is unbelievable. I can relate to each character's struggles & triumphs.

The young actors in this show are fantastic as well. Sometimes child actors can't help but sound rehearsed or they are put in background roles, brought out occasionally to say something cute, but in this show they definitely each hold their own with the adult actors.

The character development is impressive and you feel as though you really get to know the characters as they grow, change, make mistakes, and deal with the consequences. It has brought me to tears several times. I'm not really sure why this show hasn't received more attention - it is really tremendous.

The Five-Year Engagement

I love Jason Segel & tried hard to love this film, but it fell flat.
This movie wasn't horrible but it wasn't anywhere close to good either. Jason Segel is one of my favorite actors, but this movie didn't do him justice.

The movie is cute and heartwarming in spurts, but I found the majority of the movie to be rather depressing. Worse than that, however, is the fact that the movie drags. I had to pause the movie, take a break, and come back because it felt like I had been watching for 3 hours when it was barely halfway over.

I can't decide for you whether or not it is worth your time - that's personal preference. I understand that the movie is attempting to showcase some very real and serious relationship issues that people encounter, but the pacing is horrid. Just be ready to feel like you're watching grass grow. I will say one thing in favor of this movie - the ending is really cute! Really, with as much success as Jason Segel has had, this movie will be forgotten & he will receive praise for all of his great work - HIMYM, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I Love You Man, etc.

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