
IMDb member since November 2012
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Feel Rich: Health Is the New Wealth

Health Equals Wealth
It is an impactful documentary about Hip-Hop industry and the health, importance of lifestyle and lifestyle changes. Although the documentary didn't go in fast-flow, it was entertaining and educational to watch. The lifestyle changes we make are extremely important. Watching this in 2020, considering it was aired in 2017, the influences about the things told in this doc are relevant. A good documentary to watch with family

Organize Isler: Sazan Sarmali

Quality Comedy, We Missed Movies Like This..
This movie is 10/10 because it had a brightening and optimistic comedy side to it. Since we were getting used to all the "cheesy" and "bad quality" sarcasms for so long in the Turkish film industry.. I have not been into a quality comedy movie in so long, I had to leave the theatre one time. Looking at it from this perspective; the movie was very very good. The script was well-written, each character was distinctive and the visuals were great. It showed a different side of Istanbul. The first movie was filmed in 2005 which sounds surprising, however, the movie was still original. The jokes were original and the movie synthesized other issues aswell, such as dad-daughter relationships which made us laugh but think at the same time. Kivanc Tatlitug was very successful with his acting. Well-done, Yilmaz Erdogan, you did not let us down once again! This is the quality we have been missing for so long.

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