
IMDb member since November 2012
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    11 years


Near Dark

NEAR DARK is absolutely gorgeous. I will take this movie over INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE or even some of our most classic vampire films. It takes the mythos of the vampire and strips entirely to its raw elements and presents it on the American road. I can watch this film over and over and just be mesmerized by it's beautiful perfection. Funny, smart, sexy, deep, and SCARY. love it.

Electra Glide in Blue

Hell, this movie's great.
The shots are amazing and anyone lookin for trouble hasn't met this movie! I'd rather watch this than Catch 22 and it looks a lot better. Script is fantastic and it looks awesome. I can't believe it's only IMDB 7 . people are slippin. Great shots of America West Coast and good cop humor.

Easy Money

This is fantastic classic lovable TRASH
Classic. Stupid, rude, cheesy, and CHEAP! The laughs dont stop with this movie. I love the dumb soundtrack and a lot of the cast is from FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH. Jennifer Jason Leigh is super cute! You cant get this cornball fun from ANYONE than a MASTER like DANGERFIELD. If you love classic 80s comedy like Trading Places, Caddyshack, Brewster's Millions, and MORE, you'll love this film.


This is an underrated tv bio , elvis fan or not
Directed by John Carpenter and starring KURT RUSSELL, this 1979 TV Special ELVIS is a great slice of tv and cultural history. Despite its corniest and inaccurate moments, each scene is a template for years of biographical cinema to come. From a 40 year standpoint, this movie is enjoyable, cute, surrealistically funny, and a quick, comic book bootleg of the story of ELVIS. These days, some may include ELVIS in a TWIN PEAKS fest, as this viewer is somehow certain that David Lynch himself is a fan of this film.

Tougher Than Leather

There's a LOT to be thankful for
As a B- Movie , a hip hop movie, or whatever, this movie is a blast. You get Run DMC and their friends on a mission. bad reviews are expecting some 'history of hip hop' go read the book. This is more insightful than the history books.

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