
IMDb member since November 2012
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parineeti ruined it
Bollywood has lost the art of movie making. They think that, just take renowned actress and cast her for the role irrespective of acting skills. The standout feature of the movie was mole on her cheek. Parineeti pls quit acting.

Yeh Saali Aashiqui

Best Story plot, will keep you on edge....
Vardhan Puri delivers honest performance and he is impressive in debut. Shivalika Oberoi looks cute and delivers amazing performance. She steals the show from Vardhan. So all in all this one is best thrillers of this year.

The Sopranos

Highly Overrated show by HBO.... Of this Century
I give it a 5/10 and while there are many reasons for this I will just focus on one reason. This being the clear lack of depth to the shows plots and characters. I am a viewer that wants in-depth character studies and to really grow to understand the psychology of the characters. I also enjoy layered story-lines and while they don't necessarily have to be resolved, I love analyzing multiple angles. Chase in my opinion failed in this area.

Kudos to Edie Falco and the late James Gandolfini as their performances were great but not enough to carry the show.

Mainly, Chase fails to give the characters any true depth. No - the recurrent sessions with Dr. Melfi where he appears to grapple with his issues with his mother, numerous affairs and dual lifestyle nor the "change of heart" Tony experienced does not count. And suffice it to say I almost threw my remote at the TV by the 10th time Tony kept trying to "philosophically" tell others they were "in pity for themselves". After six seasons I knew the characters no better than I did at the start of the show.

The plot jumped around entirely too much and while I have read that it is not Chase's thing to resolve his story lines, I think too much time was wasted on pointless story lines (Junior in a nursing home, the writers had no clue what to do with AJ and the whole Carmella and Furio thing really?)

In any case, I could keep going as to many other factors that held this show back from being better but it mainly boils down to the fact that this show is OK but not great. In no way does it belong in the league of truly great HBO shows such as The Wire, Six Feet Under and Boardwalk Empire.

The Wire

Most overrated Show ever
This show is just plane out bad. I really wanted to like like this but I mean there was nothing at all good about. The characters were just bad and uninteresting. Then the writing was done by people who may have known about the incity but nothing about plot. There is a reason this show wasn't Nominated for anything it sucked. I mean the theams are good but so are the theams in The Phantom Menace wich doesn't make it a good movie. reat for reinforcing your liberal knee-jerks if you're out of practice. Otherwise, stick to Law & Order. Has little to do with real people or real life. That's why the critics love it. The characters are about as 'real' as the clean, well-groomed 'bikers' in the afternoon soaps. David Simon's concept of 'sociopolitical' seems to be beating liberal drums, and not much else. It takes more than a little dirt and a few scars to portray real criminals and victims. It takes going beyond the typical 'liberals vs. bad guys'... There are world views that encompass those beyond Planned Parenthood, Al Sharpton and the NAACP, but you have to turn the channel to find them.

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

Don't Take it as a Movies, But As two Missing Episodes
If Netflix movies were actually considered for the Oscars, then he may even have gotten the best actor nomination. It contain as many nail-biting moments as the show used to spread over a full season and gives him something new to be, an hero who is uniquely conflicted, exhausted and in many ways, a broken one. Despite its pace and scale, one of the greatest pleasures of El Camino is that it still makes space for the mixture of thriller and humour we have gotten just like the show. Breaking Bad, after so many years, show other TV shows how to end a story perfectly, yet again in Style!

Superb Screenplay and Direction by Vince Gilligan! I personally expected even more intensity from the movie but it kept its "Real" nature of Breaking Bad true to its core! Aaron Paul is a natural as usual with his best character on tv! As for jesse, his performance was immense 100% pinkman from start to finish what a ledgend deffonately Aaron Paul's best performance yet! Carried the torch for breaking bad fans in a big way and didn't disappoint not once !!! Yeeaahh Bittcchh


Mind blowing movie, EPIC TRUE STORY
Great work , but not for impatience people, Yeat could be boring but intriguing. Submitting this review you are agreeing to the terms laid out in our Copyright Statement. Your submission must be your own original work. Your review will normally be posted on the site within 2-3 business days. Reviews that do not meet the guidelines will not be posted. Please write in English only. HTML or boards mark-up is not supported though paragraph breaks will be inserted if you leave a blank line between paragraph. Your submission must be your own original work. Your review will normally be posted on the site within 2-3 business days. Reviews that do not meet the guidelines will not be posted. Please write in English only. HTML or boards mark-up is not supported though paragraph breaks will be inserted if you leave a blank line between paragraph.

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