
IMDb member since December 2012
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Three Worlds

Beautifully filmed, drama, with sci-fi elements, indie/art movie
Three Worlds offers a new story from indie filmmaker Amir Motlagh, who has made 15 or so films to date - including 3 features. In the movie a man goes through an experimental procedure and we get to see three stories, possibly more, happening in different points in time and perhaps in an alternate dimension. This is unlike most movies out there - a beautifully shot slow cinema art movie w/ sci-fi elements, featuring an Iranian-American lead (actor/director Motlagh) with moments from an Iranian-American experience in the film. And there are some great surprises in the film, can't say much more except that one of those great moments may involve some type of a ghost. An unpredictable film that deserves repeat viewings to fully experience and appreciate the multiple layers of the story. Fans of Malick, Mekas, and movies that blend real life and fiction seamlessly, and fans of earlier movies by Motlagh will enjoy this movie.


Great movie if you are into unusual and well made art movies.
Great movie if you are into unusual and well made art movies. Movie is about a man who leads a relatively isolated life in LA area, mostly only connecting with people using tech. A movie about the present moment. Like most of Motlagh's movies, MAN pulls the viewer into the present w/ focus on daily life/ordinary life details. Also there is a good amount of humor in the movie - in the phone calls, in the dialogue that happens when the 2nd character enters the story. Good movie to watch to relax during a stressful, busy period (in my experience).

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